Open Access
Effect of incorporation of calcium lactate
on physico-chemical, textural, and sensory properties of
restructured buffalo meat loaves -
A. Irshad, B. D. Sharma, S. R. Ahmed, S. Talukder, O. P. Malav
and Ashish Kumar
Veterinary World, 9(2): 151-159

A. Irshad:
Department of Livestock Products Technology, College of
Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Kerala Veterinary and Animal
Sciences University, Mannuthy, Thrissur - 680 651, Kerala,
B. D. Sharma:
Division of Livestock Products Technology, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izatnagar - 243 122, Uttar Pradesh, India;
S. R. Ahmed:
Division of Livestock Products Technology, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izatnagar - 243 122, Uttar Pradesh, India;
S. Talukder:
Division of Livestock Products Technology, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izatnagar - 243 122, Uttar Pradesh, India;
O. P. Malav:
Department of Livestock Products Technology, College of
Veterinary Science, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal
Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India;
Ashish Kumar:
Division of Livestock Products Technology, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izatnagar - 243 122, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Received: 10-06-2015, Revised: 25-12-2015, Accepted: 30-12-2015,
Published online: 13-02-2016
Corresponding author:
A. Irshad, e-mail:
Irshad A, Sharma BD, Ahmed SR, Talukder S, Malav OP, Kumar A
(2016) Effect of incorporation of calcium lactate on physico-chemical,
textural, and sensory properties of restructured buffalo meat
Veterinary World 9(2):
The present study was conducted to develop a functional meat
product by fortifying calcium (in the form of calcium lactate)
with restructured buffalo meat loaf (RBML).
Materials and Methods:
Deboned buffalo meat obtained from the carcass of adult female
buffalo within 5-6 h of slaughter and stored under frozen
condition. Calcium fortified RBML were prepared by replacing the
lean buffalo meat with calcium lactate powder at 0%, 1%, 1.25%,
and 1.5% level through the pre-standardized procedure. The
developed products were evaluated for physico-chemical
properties, proximate composition, calcium concentration (mg/100
g), water activity (aw), Lovibond® tintometer color units,
texture profile analysis (TPA), and sensory qualities as
per-standard procedures.
Of the various product quality parameters evaluated, cooking
yield (%), product pH, moisture (%), protein (%), fat (%), and
water activity (aw) decreases significantly with increasing
level of calcium lactate. Calcium content of fortified
functional RBMLs was 135.02, 165.73, and 203.85 mg/100 g as
compared to 6.48 mg/100 g in control. Most of the sensory scores
at 1% and 1.25% levels of calcium lactate in treatment products
remained comparable among themselves and control product, with a
gradual decline.
The present study concluded that 1.25% calcium lactate was the
optimum level for the fortification of calcium in RBML without
affecting the textural and sensory properties which could meet
out 15% of recommended dietary allowance for calcium.
buffalo meat, calcium fortification, Lovibond® tintometer color
units, meat loaves, restructured products, texture profile
analysis and sensory attributes.
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