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Episodes of clinical mastitis and its
relationship with duration of treatment and seasonality in
crossbred cows maintained in organized dairy farm -
Narender Kumar, A. Manimaran, A. Kumaresan, L. Sreela, Tapas
Kumar Patbandha, Shiwani Tiwari and Subhash Chandra
Veterinary World, 9(1): 75-79

Narender Kumar:
Laboratory, Livestock Production Management Section, ICAR -
National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI),
Karnal - 132 001,
Haryana, India;
A. Manimaran:
Southern Regional Station, ICAR - National Dairy Research
Institute, Adugodi, Hosur road, Bengaluru - 560 030, Karnataka,
A. Kumaresan: Theriogenology
Laboratory, Livestock Production Management Section, ICAR -
National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI),
Karnal - 132 001,
Haryana, India;
L. Sreela:
Laboratory, Livestock Production Management Section, ICAR -
National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI),
Karnal - 132 001,
Haryana, India;
Tapas Kumar Patbandha:
Polytechnic in Animal Husbandry, College of Veterinary Science
and A.H., Junagadh Agricultural University,
Junagadh - 362 001,
Gujarat, India;
Shiwani Tiwari:
Laboratory, Livestock Production Management Section, ICAR -
National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI),
Karnal - 132 001,
Haryana, India;
Subhash Chandra:
Laboratory, Livestock Production Management Section, ICAR -
National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI),
Karnal - 132 001,
Haryana, India;
Received: 12-08-2015, Revised: 09-12-2015, Accepted: 16-12-2015,
Published online: 21-01-2016
Corresponding author:
Tapas Kumar Patbandha, e-mail:
Kumar N, Manimaran A, Kumaresan A, Sreela L, Patbandha TK,
Tiwari S, Chandra S (2016) Episodes of clinical mastitis and its
relationship with duration of treatment and seasonality in
crossbred cows maintained in organized dairy farm,
Veterinary World 9(1):
Present study aimed to evaluate the different episodes of
clinical mastitis (CM) and influence of duration of treatment
and seasonality on the occurrence of different episodes of CM in
crossbred cows.
Materials and Methods:
A total of 1194 lactation data of crossbred CM cows were
collected from mastitis treatment record from 2002 to 2012. Data
of CM cows were classified into types of episodes (pattern of
repeated or multiple episodes occurrence) and number of episodes
(magnitude of multiple cases). Types of episodes were divided as
single (clinical cure by a single episode of treatment), relapse
(retreatment of the same cow within 21 days), recurrence (new CM
at least 21 days after treatment), and both (relapse and
recurrence). The season was classified as winter (December to
March), summer (April to June), rainy (July to September), and
autumn (October to November). The difference between incidences
of different types of CM episodes and the association between
number or type of CM episodes with duration of treatment and
seasons of CM occurrence were analyzed by Chi-square test.
Among 1194 animals suffered with CM, 53, 16, and 18% had the
single episode, relapse, and recurrence, respectively; while 13%
suffered by both relapse and recurrence. We estimated the
duration of treatment and found 80% of the cows treated 1-8
days, in which 65% treated for 1-4 days, while 35% cows were
treated for 5-8 days. Further, 12% cows treated for 9-15 days
and 7.5% cows treated >15 days. The relationship between
duration of treatment and different episodes of CM revealed that
1-8 days treated cows were mostly cured by the single episode
with less relapse and recurrence. In contrast, the incidences of
recurrence and relapse episodes were higher in cows treated for
more than 9 days. The highest incidence of relapse was noticed
in winter (36%) than other seasons (10-28%), while the
recurrence was less during autumn (9%) compared to other seasons
Cows those suffered by both relapse and recurrence were more
susceptible to CM, and they need to be culled from farm to
control the transmission of infections. Although the influence
of seasonality was difficult to understand, the higher magnitude
of relapse and recurrence during winter suggested the adverse
effects of cold stress on treatment outcome.
clinical mastitis, duration of treatment, episodes, recurrence,
relapse, season.
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