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online: 12-01-2016)
Effect of different culture systems on the
production of foot and mouth disease trivalent vaccine -
Amr Ismail Hassan
Veterinary World, 9(1): 32-37

Amr Ismail Hassan:
Department of Foot and Mouth Disease, Veterinary Serum and
Vaccine Research Institute, Abbasia, Cairo, Egypt;
Received: 01.09.2015, Revised: 23.11.2015, Accepted: 04.12.2015,
Published online: 12-01-2016
Hassan AI (2016) Effect of different culture systems on the
production of foot and mouth disease trivalent vaccine,
Veterinary World, 9(1):
This study aims to determine the effect of the stationary rawx,
roller, and the suspension cell culture systems on the total
virus yield infectivity and antigenicity.
Materials and Methods:
Three serotypes of foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) (serotype
A, O and SAT-2) were inoculated separately into baby hamster
kidney-21 cell line in rawx, roller, and suspension cultivation
systems using multiplicity of infection (1:100). Samples were
taken from the total virus yield from each system at 15, 18, 21,
and 24 h post-inoculation. Testing the total virus yield
infectivity through virus titration and antigenicity through
estimation of complement fixing titer and 146S content and
evaluation of the potency of the vaccine prepared from the
different cultivation systems were done.
The results showed that the FMDV titer of serotype A, O, and
SAT-2 obtained from the roller cultivation system showed the
highest level followed by suspension cultivation system then the
rawx cultivation system. The FMDV titer showed its highest level
at 21 h post-inoculation in all the cultivation systems and then
decline at 24 h post-inoculation. The antigenicity reached its
highest value content at 18 h post-inoculation either by
complement fixation test or by quantifying the 146S intact
virion. Montanide ISA 206 oil inactivated trivalent vaccines
were prepared from the tested serotypes (A Iran O5. O Panasia
and SAT-2/EGY/2012) harvested at 18 h post-inoculation from the
3 culture systems. The results of tracing the antibody response
showed that the mean antibody response from the roller
cultivation system start its protective antibody titer earlier
at 2 weeks post-vaccination (WPV) than the vaccine prepared from
the other two cultivation system and the immune protection
period lasts longer for 36 WPV for the roller cultivation system
vaccine than the other two cultivation systems.
The best cultivation system used for the production of FMD
vaccine regarding its highest infectivity and antigenicity is
the roller system.
baby hamster kidney-21 cell culture, foot and mouth disease
virus, monolayer tissue culture cells, suspension
tissue culture cells.
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