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Retrospective analyses of dogs found serologically positive for
Ehrlichia canis
in Cebu, Philippines from 2003 to 2014 -
Adrian P. Ybañez, Rochelle Haidee D. Ybañez, Rex R. Villavelez,
Honey Pearl F. Malingin,
Dana Natasha M. Barrameda, Sharmaine V. Naquila and Shiella Mae
B. Olimpos
Veterinary World, 9(1): 43-47

Adrian P. Ybañez:
Biology and Environmental Studies Program, Sciences Cluster,
University of the Philippines Cebu, Lahug, Cebu City,
Philippines; Southwestern University, Villa Aznar, Urgello St.,
Cebu City 6000, Philippines; GPY Veterinare Animale – Group of
Veterinary Clinics, Cebu City 6000, Philippines;
Rochelle Haidee D. Ybañez:
Biology and Environmental Studies Program, Sciences Cluster,
University of the Philippines Cebu, Lahug, Cebu City,
Rex R. Villavelez:
Southwestern University, Villa Aznar, Urgello St., Cebu City
6000, Philippines;
Honey Pearl F. Malingin:
Southwestern University, Villa Aznar, Urgello St., Cebu City
6000, Philippines;
Dana Natasha M. Barrameda:
Biology and Environmental Studies Program, Sciences Cluster,
University of the Philippines Cebu, Lahug, Cebu City,
Sharmaine V. Naquila:
Biology and Environmental Studies Program, Sciences Cluster,
University of the Philippines Cebu, Lahug, Cebu City,
Shiella Mae B. Olimpos:
Biology and Environmental Studies Program, Sciences Cluster,
University of the Philippines Cebu, Lahug, Cebu City,
Received: 04-09-2015, Revised: 28-11-2015, Accepted: 06-12-2015,
Published online: 13-01-2016
Corresponding author:
Adrian P. Ybañez, e-mail:
Ybañez AP, Ybañez RHD, Villavelez RR, Malingin HPF, Barrameda
DNM, Naquila SV, Olimpos SMB (2016) Retrospective analyses of
dogs found serologically positive for
in Cebu, Philippines from 2003 to 2014,
Veterinary World, 9(1):
The study aimed to document the clinical and hematological
observations of dogs found serologically positive for
Ehrlichia canis
and to identify parameters or factors that are associated with
the disease with focus on the anemic and thrombocytopenic state
of the infected dogs.
Materials and Methods:
From 7 participating veterinary establishments, a total of 913
cases from 2003 to 2014 were initially assessed using inclusion
criteria, including
E. canis
diagnosis by the attending veterinarian and the presence of
ticks or history of infestation, thrombocytopenia, and/or
anemia. From these, 438 cases that were found serologically
positive for
E. canis
using commercial test kits were selected. Profile, clinical
observations and hematological test results were obtained from
the selected cases. Computations for statistical associations
between the anemic and thrombocytopenic state of the infected
dogs and their profile, observed clinical signs and other
hematological values were performed.
Most of the dogs were purebred (60.0%) and female (51.1%) and
were within the age range of 1-5 years (38.4%). The mean packed
cell volume (PCV), red blood cell (RBC) count, and platelet
count were lower than the normal values while the absolute count
of basophils were higher than normal values. Creatinine and
blood urea nitrogen (BUN) appear to be elevated. The most common
clinical signs observed were inappetence (41.3%),
lethargy/depression (35.6%), vomiting (32.4%), fever (18.5%),
paleness (8.2%), and epistaxis (6.6%). Analyses showed that
there were no significant differences on the hematological
values and clinical signs between thrombocytopenic and
non-thrombocytopenic seropositive dogs. Moreover, very weak
correlations between platelet count and RBC count, absolute
lymphocyte count, and neutrophil count were found. On the other
hand, only paleness (p=0.008) and epistaxis (p=0.004) were found
to be significantly different between anemic and non-anemic
patients. This coincided with the linear regression results
where PCV (p=0.000, R=0.787, R2=0.619) was moderately correlated
with the RBC count. In addition, eosinophil count was found
weakly correlated.
E. canis
infection in dogs may produce varied clinical signs that may be
influenced by the thrombocytopenic and anemic states of affected
animals. Complete blood counts remain important in the diagnosis
of the disease, especially the platelet and RBC counts.
Creatinine, BUN and alanine aminotransferase can be of value in
the diagnosis of the infection. Several cases were lost to
follow-up and appeared to be a challenge for handling
veterinarians to monitor compliance of owners and progress of
infected patients.
Cebu, clinical signs, dog,
Ehrlichia canis,
hematology, Philippines.
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