Open Access
online: 30-07-2016)
Characterization of the atypical
lymphocytes in African swine fever -
Z. A. Karalyan, Z. R. Ter-Pogossyan, L. O. Abroyan, L. H.
Hakobyan, A. S. Avetisyan, N. Yu Karalyan and E. M. Karalova
Veterinary World, 9(7): 792-800

Z. A. Karalyan:
Laboratory of Cell Biology and Virology, Institute of Molecular
Biology of NAS, 7 Hasratyan St, 0014 Yerevan, Armenia;
Z. R. Ter-Pogossyan:
Laboratory of Cell Biology and Virology, Institute of Molecular
Biology of NAS, 7 Hasratyan St, 0014 Yerevan, Armenia;
L. O. Abroyan:
Laboratory of Cell Biology and Virology, Institute of Molecular
Biology of NAS, 7 Hasratyan St, 0014 Yerevan, Armenia;
L. H. Hakobyan:
Laboratory of Cell Biology and Virology, Institute of Molecular
Biology of NAS, 7 Hasratyan St, 0014 Yerevan, Armenia;
A. S. Avetisyan:
Laboratory of Cell Biology and Virology, Institute of Molecular
Biology of NAS, 7 Hasratyan St, 0014 Yerevan, Armenia;
Karalyan N. Yu:
Laboratory of Cell Biology and Virology, Institute of Molecular
Biology of NAS, 7 Hasratyan St, 0014 Yerevan, Armenia;
E. M. Karalova:
Laboratory of Cell Biology and Virology, Institute of Molecular
Biology of NAS, 7 Hasratyan St, 0014 Yerevan, Armenia;
Received: 28-04-2016, Accepted: 23-06-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Z. A. Karalyan, e-mail:
Karalyan ZA, Ter-Pogossyan ZR, Abroyan LO, Hakobyan LH,
Avetisyan AS, Karalyan NY, Karalova EM (2016) Characterization of the
atypical lymphocytes in African swine fever,
Veterinary World, 9(7):
Atypical lymphocytes usually described as lymphocytes with
altered shape, increased DNA amount, and larger size. For
analysis of cause of genesis and source of atypical lymphocytes
during African swine fever virus (ASFV) infection, bone marrow,
peripheral blood, and
in vitro
model were investigated.
Materials and Methods:
Atypical lymphocytes under the influence of ASFV were studied
for morphologic, cytophotometric, and membrane surface marker
characteristics and were used
in vivo
in vitro
This study indicated the increased size, high metabolic
activity, and the presence of additional DNA amount in atypical
lymphocytes caused by ASFV infection. Furthermore, in atypical
lymphocytes, nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio usually decreased,
compared to normal lymphocytes. In morphology, they looking like
lymphocytes transformed into blasts by exposure to mitogens or
in vitro.
They vary in morphologic detail, but most of them are CD2
Our data suggest that atypical lymphocytes may represent an
unusual and specific cellular response to ASFV infection.
African swine fever virus, atypical lymphocytes, CD2, DNA ploidy.
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