Open Access
online: 02-07-2016)
Evaluation of edible polymer coatings
enriched with green tea extract on quality of chicken nuggets -
Prathyusha Kristam, Naga Mallika Eswarapragada, Eswara Rao Bandi
and Srinivas Rao Tumati
Veterinary World, 9(7): 685-692

Prathyusha Kristam:
Department of Livestock Products Technology, NTR College of
Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India;
Naga Mallika Eswarapragada:
Department of Livestock Products Technology, NTR College of
Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India;
Eswara Rao Bandi:
Department of Livestock Products Technology, NTR College of
Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India;
Srinivas Rao Tumati:
Department of Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology, NTR
College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh,
Received: 21-02-2016, Accepted: 25-05-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Prathyusha Kristam, e-mail:
Kristam P, Eswarapragada NM, Bandi ER, Tumati SR (2016)
Evaluation of edible polymer coatings enriched with green tea
extract on quality of chicken nuggets, Veterinary World, 9(7):
The present study was conducted to evaluate the physico-chemical
and microbiological characteristics of chicken nuggets coated
with sodium alginate (SA) coatings at refrigerated (4±1°C) and
frozen (−18±1°C) storage condition at regular periodic
Materials and Methods:
Chicken meat nuggets were separated into three groups: Uncoated
control (C), coated with alginate coating (T1), and
coated with alginate coating incorporated with 1% green tea
extract (GTE) (T2). The nuggets were analyzed at
regular intervals of 5days for refrigerated storage and 15 days
for frozen storage period in terms of pH, 2-thiobarbituric acid
value (TBA), peroxide value (PV), total plate count (TPC), water
loss, and sensory characteristics.
The results indicated that the nuggets coated with
alginate-based coatings effectively reduced the spoilage as
indicated by pH, TBA, and PVs. pH values of the formulations
ranged from 6.15 to 6.34 at refrigerated storage temperature
(4±1°C) and 6.49-6.71 at frozen storage temperature (−18±1°C).
TBA value of the treatments ranged from 1.28 to 1.54 mg MDA/kg
and 1.34 to 1.50 mg MDA/kg under refrigerated and frozen storage
temperatures, respectively. Color, flavor, juiciness,
tenderness, and overall acceptability of the nuggets differed
significantly (p<0.05) with the coated nuggets. The coated
nuggets were well acceptable upto 15 days at refrigerated
storage temperature (4±1°C) and upto 75 days at frozen storage
temperature (−18±1°C). Nuggets coated with GTE incorporated
coating solution had a lower TBA-reactive
substances values, PVs, and TPCs when compared to the nuggets
coated with SA and the control group.
Study revealed that incorporation of edible coatings with
antioxidants, namely, GTE at 1% level had a significant effect
in reducing the fat oxidation. The samples recorded a shelf life
of 15 days under refrigerated storage when compared to their
controls with 10 days of storage period and 75 days under frozen
storage against controls with 60 days. T1, T2,
and T3 formulations had higher sensory scores in
comparison to the controls. Overall acceptability scores of T1
were higher when compared to the other formulations.
chicken nuggets, edible coatings, green tea extract, sodium
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