Open Access
online: 23-06-2016)
Immunotoxicological, biochemical, and
histopathological studies on Roundup and Stomp herbicides in
Nile catfish (Clarias gariepinus) -
Gihan G. Moustafa, F. E. Shaaban, A. H. Abo
Hadeed, and Walaa M. Elhady
Veterinary World, 9(6): 638-647

Gihan G. Moustafa:
Department of
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Zagazig University, Alzeraa Street Postal Code 44511,
Zagazig City, Sharkia Province, Egypt;
F. E. Shaaban:
Department of
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Zagazig University, Alzeraa Street Postal Code 44511,
Zagazig City, Sharkia Province, Egypt;
A. H. Abo Hadeed:
Department of
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Zagazig University, Alzeraa Street Postal Code 44511,
Zagazig City, Sharkia Province, Egypt;
Walaa M. Elhady:
of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Zagazig University, Alzeraa Street Postal Code 44511,
Zagazig City, Sharkia Province, Egypt;
Received: 10-02-2016, Accepted: 20-05-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Gihan G.
Moustafa, e-mail:
Moustafa GG, Shaaban FE, Hadeed AHA, Elhady WM (2016)
Immunotoxicological, biochemical, and histopathological studies
on Roundup and Stomp herbicides in Nile catfish (Clarias
gariepinus), Veterinary World, 9(6): 638-647.
The current
study was directed to investigate the immunotoxic and oxidative
stress effects of Roundup and Stomp herbicides and their
combination on Nile catfish (Clarias gariepinus).
Materials and
The experiment
was carried out on 120 fish that randomly divided into four
equal groups with three replicates: The first group kept as
control, the second group exposed to 1/2 96 h lethal
concentration 50 (LC50)
of Roundup, the third group exposed to 1/2 96 h LC50
of Stomp, and the fourth one exposed to a
combination of Roundup and Stomp at previously-mentioned doses.
The experiment was terminated after 15 days; blood samples were
obtained at 1st,
and 15th
days of treatment where the sera were separated
for estimation of antioxidant enzymes. Meanwhile, at 15th
day of exposure part of blood was collected from
all groups with an anticoagulant for evaluation of phagocytic
activity, then the fish were sacrificed, and specimens from the
liver of all groups were obtained for histopathological
results indicated that both herbicides either individually or in
combination elucidated significant decrease in phagocytic
activity that was highly marked in group exposed to both
herbicides. Furthermore, our data elicited an obvious elevation
in the levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and
glutathione peroxidase (GPx). Meanwhile, the data depicted
reduction in levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) and
glutathione-S-transferase (GST). Histopathological investigation
of liver proved the aforementioned results.
could be concluded that either Roundup or Stomp alone cause
significant deleterious effects on aquatic vertebrates. However,
the use of their combination enhanced their toxic effects.
Toxicity can end up in humans through the food chain.
antioxidant enzymes, fish, phagocytosis, Roundup, Stomp.
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