Open Access
online: 02-06-2016)
Economic effects of foot and mouth disease
outbreaks along the cattle marketing chain in Uganda -
Sylvia Angubua Baluka
Veterinary World, 9(6): 544-553

Sylvia Angubua Baluka :
Department of Biosecurity, Ecosystem & Veterinary Public Health,
College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources & Biosecurity,
Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda;
Received: 04-01-2016, Accepted: 22-04-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Sylvia Angubua Baluka, e-mail:
Baluka SA (2016) Economic effects of foot and mouth disease
outbreaks along the cattle marketing chain in Uganda,
Veterinary World, 9(6):
Disease outbreaks increase the cost of animal production; reduce
milk and beef yield, cattle sales, farmers’ incomes, and
enterprise profitability. The study assessed the economic
effects of foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreaks along the
cattle marketing chain in selected study districts in Uganda.
Materials and Methods:
The study combined qualitative and quantitative study designs.
Respondents were selected proportionally using simple random
sampling from the sampling frame comprising of 224, 173, 291,
and 185 farmers for Nakasongola, Nakaseke, Isingiro, and Rakai,
respectively. Key informants were selected purposively. Data
analysis combined descriptive, modeling, and regression
analysis. Data on the socio-economic characteristics and how
they influenced FMD outbreaks, cattle markets revenue losses,
and the economic cost of the outbreaks were analyzed using
descriptive measures including percentages, means, and
Farmers with small and medium herds incurred higher control
costs, whereas large herds experienced the highest milk losses.
Total income earned by the actors per month at the processing
level reduced by 23%. In Isingiro, bulls and cows were salvage
sold at 83% and 88% less market value, i.e., a loss of $196.1
and $1,552.9 in small and medium herds, respectively.
All actors along the cattle marketing chain incur losses during
FMD outbreaks, but smallholder farmers are most affected.
Control and prevention of FMD should remain the responsibility
of the government if Uganda is to achieve a disease-free status
that is a prerequisite for free movement and operation of cattle
markets throughout the year which will boost cattle marketing.
chain, cost, economics, financial losses, market, outbreak.
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