Open Access
online: 12-06-2016)
Effect of curing ingredients and vacuum packaging on the
physicochemical and storage quality of ready-to-eat
Vawksa rep
(smoked pork product) during refrigerated
storage -
Deepshikha Deuri, Pragati Hazarika, Tarun Pal Singh,
Lalchamliani Chhangte, Parminder Singh and Suman Talukder
Veterinary World, 9(6): 587-594

Deepshikha Deuri:
Division of Livestock Products Technology, College of Veterinary
Sciences and Animal Husbandry, CAU, Selesih, Aizawl, Mizoram,
Pragati Hazarika:
Division of Livestock Products Technology, College of Veterinary
Sciences and Animal Husbandry, CAU, Selesih, Aizawl, Mizoram,
Tarun Pal Singh:
Division of Livestock Products Technology, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izzatnagar, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Lalchamliani Chhangte:
Division of Livestock Products Technology, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izzatnagar, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Parminder Singh:
Veterinary Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Government
of Punjab, Amritsar, Punjab, India;
Suman Talukder:
Division of Livestock Products Technology, Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Izzatnagar, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Received: 25-01-2016, Accepted: 28-04-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Deepshikha Deuri, e-mail:
Deuri D, Hazarika P, Singh TP, Chhangte L, Singh P, Talukder S
(2016) Effect of curing ingredients and vacuum packaging on the
physico-chemical and storage quality of ready-to-eat
Vawksa rep
(smoked pork product) during refrigerated storage,
Veterinary World, 9(6):
The present study was conducted for the development of
Vawksa rep
(smoked pork product) and to study the synergistic effect of
curing ingredients and vacuum packaging on the physico-chemical
and storage quality during refrigerated storage at (4°C±1°C) for
15 days.
Materials and Methods:
Four different batches of
Vawksa rep
samples were prepared, i.e., T-1 (uncured, first cooked at 121°C
for 15 min, and then smoked at 120°C for 30 min), T-2 (uncured,
cooked, and smoked simultaneously at 120°C for 45 min), T-3
(cured, first cooked at 121°C for 15 min, and then smoked at
120°C for 30 min), and T-4 (cured, cooked, and smoked
simultaneously at 120°C for 45 min).
Cooking yield was significantly higher (p<0.05) for the T-4. The
pH of T-3 and T-4 samples was significantly higher (p<0.05) on
day 15. The tyrosine value of all the samples increased
significantly (p<0.05) among the different days of analysis.
Thiobarbituric acid value was significantly (p<0.05) lower in
T-3 sample both at the beginning and at the end of storage
period. In microbiological profile, total plate count was lower
in T-3 and T-4 than T-1 and T-2. However,
Escherichia coli
count was negative for T-3 and T-4 samples throughout the
storage period. Among sensory attributes, T-3 and T-4 samples
registered superior scores for color, flavor, texture,
juiciness, and overall acceptability.
Vawksa rep
(smoked pork product) could be prepared easily with little
technology up-gradation and with a negligible escalation of
production cost.
curing, smoking, storage quality, vacuum packaging,
Vawksa rep.
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