Open Access
online: 03-03-2016)
Species-specific identification of adulteration in cooked mutton
(a Kashmiri
cuisine product) with beef and buffalo
meat through multiplex polymerase chain reaction -
M. Mansoor Bhat, Mir Salahuddin, Imtiyaz A. Mantoo, Sheikh Adil,
Henna Jalal and M. Ashraf Pal
Veterinary World, 9(3): 226-230

M. Mansoor Bhat:
Division of Livestock Products Technology, Sher-e-Kashmir
University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir,
Shuhama, Alusteng, Srinagar - 190 006, Jammu and Kashmir, India;
Mir Salahuddin:
Division of Livestock Products Technology, Sher-e-Kashmir
University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir,
Shuhama, Alusteng, Srinagar - 190 006, Jammu and Kashmir, India;
Imtiyaz A. Mantoo:
Division of Livestock Products Technology, Sher-e-Kashmir
University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir,
Shuhama, Alusteng, Srinagar - 190 006, Jammu and Kashmir, India;
Sheikh Adil:
Division of Livestock Production and Management, Sher-e-Kashmir
University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir,
Shuhama, Alusteng, Srinagar - 190 006, Jammu and Kashmir, India;
Henna Jalal:
Division of Livestock Products Technology, Sher-e-Kashmir
University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir,
Shuhama, Alusteng, Srinagar - 190 006, Jammu and Kashmir, India;
M. Ashraf Pal:
Division of Livestock Products Technology, Sher-e-Kashmir
University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir,
Shuhama, Alusteng, Srinagar - 190 006, Jammu and Kashmir, India;
Received: 16-08-2015, Revised: 13-01-2016, Accepted: 22-01-2016,
Published online: 03-03-2016
Corresponding author:
M. Mansoor Bhat, e-mail:
Bhat MM, Salahuddin M, Mantoo IA, Adil S, Jalal H, Pal MA (2016)
Species-specific identification of adulteration in cooked mutton
(a Kashmiri
cuisine product) with beef and buffalo meat through multiplex
polymerase chain reaction,
Veterinary World, 9(3):
Meat adulteration is a serious problem in the meat industry and
needs to be tackled to ensure the authenticity of meat products
and protect the consumers from being the victims. In view of
such likely problem in indigenous meat products of Kashmiri
cuisine (Wazwan),
the present work was performed to study the detection of beef
and buffalo meat in cooked mutton
by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) based multiplex polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) method under laboratory conditions.
Materials and Methods:
Three experimental trials were conducted wherein the products
were prepared from pure mutton, beef and buffalo meat, and their
admixtures in the ratios of 60:20:20, 80:10:10, 90:05:05 and
98:01:01, respectively.
The primers used in the study amplified the
cyt b
gene fragments of sizes 124 bp, 472 bp and 585 bp for buffalo,
cattle and sheep, respectively. It was possible to detect cattle
and buffalo meat at the level of 1% in the mixed meat cooked
The multiplex PCR successfully amplified
cyt b
gene fragments of mtDNA of the target species and thus produced
characteristic band pattern for each species. The band
intensities of cattle and buffalo in the mixed meat
progressively decreased corresponding to their decreasing level
from 20% to 1%. Processing, cooking (moist heating) and non-meat
formulation ingredients had no effect on detection of meat
species adulteration.
The multiplex PCR procedure standardized and developed in this
study is simple, efficient, sensitive, reliable and highly
specific for detecting falsification of cooked mutton product
with beef and buffalo meat up to 1% level.
meat adulteration, meat species identification, mitochondrial
DNA, multiplex polymerase chain reaction.
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