Open Access
online: 19-03-2016)
Effect of in ovo
supplementation of nano forms of zinc, copper, and selenium on
post-hatch performance of broiler chicken -
P. Patric Joshua, C. Valli
and V. Balakrishnan
Veterinary World, 9(3): 287-294

P. Patric Joshua :
Department of
Pharmacology, Sri Muthukumaran Medical College Hospital and
Research Institute, Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, India;
C. Valli :
Department of
Animal Nutrition, Institute of Animal Nutrition, Tamil Nadu
Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
V. Balakrishnan :
Department of
Animal Nutrition, Madras Veterinary College, Tamil Nadu
Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
Received: 02-10-2015, Revised: 22-01-2016, Accepted: 02-02-2016,
Published online: 19-03-2016
Corresponding author:
P. Patric Joshua, e-mail:
Joshua PP, Valli C, Balakrishnan V (2016) Effect of in ovo
supplementation of nano forms of zinc, copper, and selenium
on post-hatch performance of broiler chicken, Veterinary
World, 9(3): 287-294.
and Aim:
can bypass conventional physiological ways of nutrient
distribution and transport across tissue and cell membranes, as
well as protect compounds against destruction prior to reaching
their targets. In ovo administration of nanoparticles,
may be seen as a new method of nano-nutrition, providing embryos
with an additional quantity of nutrients. The aim of the study
is to examine the effect of in ovo supplementation of
nano forms of zinc, copper and selenium on the hatchability and
post hatch performance of broiler chicken.
Materials and
Nano form of
zinc at 20, 40, 60 and 80 μg/egg, nano form of copper at 4, 8,
12 and 16 μg/egg and nano form of selenium at 0.075, 0.15, 0.225
and 0.3 μg/egg were in ovo supplemented (18th
day incubation, amniotic route) in fertile broiler
eggs. Control group in ovo fed with normal saline alone
was also maintained. Each treatment had thirty replicates.
Parameters such as hatchability, hatch weight and post hatch
performance were studied.
feeding of nano minerals were not harmful to the developing
embryo and did not influence the hatchability. Significantly
(p<0.05) best feed efficiency for nano forms of zinc (2.16),
copper (2.46) and selenium (2.51) were observed, when 40, 4 and
0.225 μg/egg respectively were in ovo supplemented.
Except in nano form of copper at 12 μg per egg which had
significantly (p<0.05) highest breast muscle percentage there
was no distinct trend to indicate that dressing percentage or
breast muscle yield was influenced in other treatments.
forms of zinc, copper and selenium can be prepared at laboratory
conditions. In ovo feeding of nano forms of zinc, copper
and selenium at 18th
day of incubation through amniotic route does not
harm the developing embryo, does not affect hatchability.
hatchability, hatch weight, in ovo feeding, nanoparticles,
and post hatch performance.
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