Open Access
online: 20-05-2016)
Important hemoprotozoan diseases of
livestock: Challenges in current diagnostics and therapeutics:
An update -
Biswa Ranjan Maharana, Anup Kumar Tewari, Buddhi Chandrasekaran
Saravanan and Naduvanahalli Rajanna Sudhakar
Veterinary World, 9(5): 487-495

Biswa Ranjan Maharana:
Department of Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary
Science and Animal Husbandry, Junagadh Agricultural University,
Junagadh, Gujarat, India;
Anup Kumar Tewari:
Division of Parasitology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Buddhi Chandrasekaran Saravanan:
Division of Parasitology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Naduvanahalli Rajanna Sudhakar:
Division of Parasitology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Received: 07-10-2015, Accepted: 06-04-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Biswa Ranjan Maharana, e-mail:
Maharana BR, Tewari AK, Saravanan BC, Sudhakar NR (2016)
Important hemoprotozoan diseases of livestock: Challenges in
current diagnostics and therapeutics: An update,
Veterinary World, 9(5):
Hemoprotozoan parasites pose a serious threat to the livestock
population in terms of mortality, reduced milk yield and lowered
draft power. Diagnosis of these diseases often poses a
challenging task. Needless to say that impact of disease in
health and productivity is huge though a fair economic
assessment on the quantum of economic loss associated is yet to
be worked out from India. The diagnosis of hemoprotozoan
infections largely depends on various laboratory-based
diagnostic methods as the clinical manifestations are often
inconspicuous and non-specific. Traditional diagnostic methods
rely on microscopical demonstration of infective stages in blood
or tissue fluids. However, it is laborious, lesser sensitive,
and cannot differentiate between morphologically similar
organisms. Recent development in the technologies has opened new
avenues for improvement in the accurate diagnosis of parasitic
infections. Serological tests are simple, fast but lack
specificity. With advent of molecular techniques, as DNA
hybridization assays, polymerase chain reaction and its
modifications ensure the detection of infection in the latent
phase of the disease. Nucleic acid-based assays are highly
sensitive, free from immunocompetence and can differentiate
between morphologically similar parasites. With the advent of
newer diagnostics complemented with traditional ones will be of
huge help for targeted selective treatment with better
chemotherapeutic agents.
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