Open Access
online: 24-05-2016)
Phenotypic and genotypic
detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
in hunting dogs in Maiduguri metropolitan, Borno State, Nigeria
Muhammad Mustapha, Yachilla Maryam Bukar-Kolo, Yaqub Ahmed
Geidam and Isa Adamu Gulani
Veterinary World, 9(5): 501-506

Muhammad Mustapha:
Department of
Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University
of Maiduguri, PMB 1069 Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria;
Yachilla Maryam Bukar-Kolo:
Department of
Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University
of Maiduguri, PMB 1069 Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria;
Yaqub Ahmed Geidam :
Department of
Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University
of Maiduguri, PMB 1069 Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria;
Isa Adamu Gulani :
Department of
Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University
of Maiduguri, PMB 1069 Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria;
Received: 02-02-2016, Accepted: 13-04-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Muhammad Mustapha, e-mail:
Mustapha M, Bukar-Kolo YM, Geidam YA, Gulani IA (2016)
Phenotypic and genotypic detection of methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus in hunting dogs in Maiduguri
metropolitan, Borno State, Nigeria, Veterinary World, 9(5):
To determine
the presence of MRSA in hunting dogs in Maiduguri metropolitan.
Materials and
methods used includes microscopic technique, colony morphology
study, catalase-coagulase tests, and the use of mannitol salt
agar test, oxacillin resistance screening agar base, and
antibiotic susceptibility testing methods. Genotypic approach
was used for deoxyribonucleic acid extraction, and the presence
of nuc and mecA gene was detected using polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) techniques.
Examination of 416 swab samples from nasal and perineal region
of dogs revealed a total of 79.5% of S. aureus, where
62.5% of the isolates were MRSA. Molecular analysis revealed
that 7nuc genes specific for S. aureus from 20
presumptive MRSA assay were all mecA PCR negative. The
isolates were sensitive to gentamicin and ciprofloxacin but
proved resistant to cefoxitin and oxacillin.
isolation rate of MRSA was found in hunting dogs. Significant
level (p<0.05) of MRSA was isolated in the nasal cavity of
hunting dogs than its perineum. Only nuc genes were
detected from the MRSA isolates.
dogs, genotypic, methicillin, phenotypic, Staphylococcus
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