Open Access
online: 26-05-2016)
Reproductive disorders in dairy
cattle under semi-intensive system of rearing in North-Eastern
India -
M. H. Khan,
K. Manoj
and S. Pramod
Veterinary World, 9(5): 512-518

M. H. Khan :
Research Centre on Mithun, Jharnapani, Medziphema - 797 106,
Nagaland, India;
K. Manoj :
ICAR Research
Complex for NEH Region, Umiam - 793 103, Meghalaya, India;
S. Pramod :
Central Institute
for Research on Cattle, Meerut - 255 001, Uttar Pradesh, India;
Received: 06-12-2015, Accepted: 14-04-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
M. H. Khan, e-mail:
Khan MH, Manoj K, Pramod S (2016) Reproductive disorders in
dairy cattle under semi-intensive system of rearing in
North-Eastern India, Veterinary World, 9(5): 512-518.
This study
was conducted to determine the incidence of major reproductive
problems of dairy cattle reared under a semi-intensive system by
small and marginal farmers in Meghalaya province of
North-Eastern India.
Materials and
In a 3 years
study, a total of 576 crossbred dairy cattle (212 Holstein
Friesian cross and 364 Jersey cross) from all districts (n=11)
of Meghalaya were assessed with the survey, clinical
examination, and personal observations.
of the total animal assessed, 33.85% (n=195) were found
to be affected with one or more of the clinical reproductive
problems. Repeat breeding (RB), anestrus, retention of fetal
membrane, and abortion were found to be the major clinical
reproductive problems. Out of the total animal affected with
reproductive disorders, the incidence of anestrus, RB, retention
of fetal membrane, and abortion was found to be 31.79% (n=62),
24.61% (n=48), 14.35% (n=28), and 11.25% (n=22),
respectively. In addition, dystocia (5.12%), prolapse (1.53%),
endometritis (4.61%), and pyometra (6.66%) were minor clinical
reproductive problems. There was a significant difference in the
incidence of reproductive disorders with respect to breed, age,
and parity.
was revealed from this study that RB, anestrus, retention of
fetal membrane, and dystocia are the major clinical reproductive
problems in Meghalaya. Results indicated unsatisfactory feeding,
housing, and health management practices are the main cause of
low fertility of dairy cows. Lack of scientific knowledge, low
access to breeding, and health services further contributed to
low productivity and fertility.
anestrus, dairy, infertility, Meghalaya, reproductive disorders.
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