Open Access
online: 06-05-2016)
Congenital and inherited neurologic
diseases in dogs and cats: Legislation and its effect on
purchase in Italy -
Annamaria Passantino and Marisa Masucci
Veterinary World, 9(5): 437-443

Annamaria Passantino:
Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Messina, Polo
Universitario Annunziata, 98168 Messina, Italy;
Marisa Masucci:
Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Messina, Polo
Universitario Annunziata, 98168 Messina, Italy;
Received: 25-02-2016, Accepted: 25-03-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Annamaria Passantino, e-mail:
Passantino A, Masucci M (2016) Congenital and inherited
neurologic diseases in dogs and cats: Legislation and its effect
on purchase in Italy,
Veterinary World, 9(5):
Many of the congenital neurologic diseases can result in
incapacity or death of the animal. Some of them, such as
idiopathic epilepsy and hydrocephalus, exhibit breed or familial
predisposition and a genetic basis was proved or suggested. Some
diseases can be presumptively diagnosed after a detailed
signalment (breed predisposition), history (e.g. family history
because many of these defects have familial tendencies), and
through physical exam; other diagnostic methods (radiography,
computed tomography, magnetic resonance, electrophysiologic
tests, etc.) can provide supportive evidence for the congenital
defect and help to confirm the diagnosis. Some cases can lead to
civil law-suits when the lesions are congenital, but not easily
recognizable, or when the lesions are hereditary but tend to
became manifest only after some time (more than 12 months after
the date of purchase, e.g., after the vice-free guarantee period
has expired). Moreover, quite frequently an early diagnosis is
not made because there are delays in consulting the veterinarian
or the general practitioner veterinarian does not perceive
subtle signs. This study was designed to focus on the
medico-legal aspects concerning the buying and selling in Italy
of dogs and cats affected by congenital and hereditary
neurologic diseases that could constitute vice in these animals.
While adequate provisions to regulate in detail the various
aspects of pet sale have still to be drawn up by legislators, it
may be helpful to involve breeders, by obliging them by contract
to extend guarantees in the case of hereditary lesions,
including neurologic diseases.
buy/sell, cat, dog, hereditary disease, nervous system.
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