Open Access
online: 06-05-2016)
Growth performance, nutrient utilization, and feed efficiency in
broilers fed
Tithonia diversifolia
leaf meal as substitute of conventional
feed ingredients in Mizoram -
Rajat Buragohain
Veterinary World, 9(5): 444-449

Rajat Buragohain:
Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary Sciences
and Animal Husbandry, Central Agricultural University, Selesih,
Aizawl, Mizoram, India;
Received: 14-10-2015, Accepted: 28-03-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Rajat Buragohain, e-mail:
Buragohain R (2016) Growth performance, nutrient utilization,
and feed efficiency in broilers fed
Tithonia diversifolia
leaf meal as substitute of conventional feed ingredients in
Veterinary World, 9(5):
The study was for assessment of growth performance, nutrient
utilization, and feed efficiency in broilers fed rations with
varying levels of
Tithonia diversifolia
leaf meal (TDLM) as a substitute of conventional feed
ingredients in Mizoram.
Materials and Methods:
A total of 180, 1-day-old broiler chicks were randomly divided
into six homogeneous groups and fed rations incorporated with
TDLM (TDLM at 0% [TDLM-0], 2% [TDLM-2], 4% [TDLM-4], 6%
[TDLM-6], 8% [TDLM-8], and 10% [TDLM-10] level as substitute of
conventional feed ingredients) for 6 weeks. The chicks were
reared in battery brooders for the first 2 weeks, and
thereafter, in well-ventilated deep litter house following
standard management protocols. Feed and drinking water were
ad libitum
to all the groups throughout the experiment. The daily feed
intake and weekly body weight gain were recorded, and a
metabolic trial for 3 days was conducted at the end of the 6th
Feed consumption decreased for inclusion of TDLM but without any
significant differences, except during the 3rd week
where it reduced significantly (p<0.05) at and above 6% TDLM in
the ration. The average body weight gain decreased significantly
(p<0.05) above 6% TDLM inclusion. The average body weights at 7th,
14th, and 21st day of age reduced
significantly (p<0.05) from 4% to 10% TDLM inclusion level but
was statistically non-significant up to 4% TDLM at 28th,
35th, and 42nd day of age. Body weight at
42nd day of age was 1624.72±30.52, 1616.66±17.84,
1592.60±19.24, 1404.61±17.76, 1188.29±17.67, and 1054.33±18.81
gin TDLM-0, TDLM-2, TDLM-4, TDLM-6, TDLM-8, and TDLM-10,
respectively. The digestibility of nutrients decreased with
increased inclusion level of TDLM. The digestibility coefficient
of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, and nitrogen free
extract were significantly higher in TDLM-0, but crude fiber
digestibility was comparable without any significant difference
among the groups. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) at 42nd
day of age was 2.17±0.15, 2.17±0.15, 2.13±0.13, 2.46±0.16,
2.66±0.11, and 3.96±0.10 for TDLM-0, TDLM-2, TDLM-4, TDLM-6,
TDLM-8, and TDLM-10, respectively, was statistically
non-significant up to 4% TDLM inclusion level.
Considering the insignificant effects on growth rate, FCR, and
body weight at 42nd day of age, it was concluded that
TDLM could be incorporated up to 4% level as substitute of the
conventional feed ingredients for broilers reared under deep
litter system of management in Mizoram.
broiler, growth, Mizoram, nutrient digestibility,
Tithonia diversifolia
leaf meal.
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