Open Access
online: 14-05-2016)
Clinical and ultrasonographic
observations of functional and mechanical intestinal obstruction
in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) -
Arafat Khalphallah,
Nasr-Eldin M. Aref,
Enas Elmeligy
and Sayed F. El-Hawari
Veterinary World, 9(5): 475-480

Arafat Khalphallah :
Department of
Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut
University, Assiut, Egypt;
Nasr-Eldin M. Aref :
Department of
Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut
University, Assiut, Egypt;
Enas Elmeligy :
Veterinary Teaching
Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University,
Assiut, Egypt;
Sayed F. El-Hawari :
Department of
Surgery, Anesthesiology and Radiology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt;
Received: 04-01-2016, Accepted: 09-04-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Nasr-Eldin M. Aref, e-mail:
Khalphallah A, Aref NM, Elmeligy E, El-Hawari SF (2016) Clinical
and ultrasonographic observations of functional and mechanical
intestinal obstruction in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis),
Veterinary World, 9(5): 475-480.
This study
was designed for clinical and laboratory evaluation of
intestinal obstruction (IO) in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
with special emphasis on the diagnostic value of
ultrasonographic findings.
Materials and
A total number
of 30 buffaloes were included in the study and divided into 2
groups: Healthy (n=10) and diseased group (n=20).
Diseased buffaloes were admitted to the Veterinary Teaching
Hospital at Assiut University, Egypt, with a history of
anorexia, abdominal pain, various degrees of abdominal
distention, and absence or presence of scanty mucoid faces.
These animals were subjected to clinical and ultrasonographic as
well as laboratory examinations.
on ultrasonographic findings, various forms of IO were
diagnosed. Functional obstruction, paralytic ileus, was
diagnosed in 17 cases (85%) while mechanical IO was diagnosed
only in 3 cases (15%). Out of 17 cases of paralytic ileus, both
proximal and distal ileuses were successfully imaged in 8 and 9
cases, respectively. Proximal ileus was imaged from the right
dorsal flank region as a single dilated loop of diameter >6 cm,
while distal ileus was imaged as multiple dilated loops of
diameter <6 cm. Mechanical obstruction due to duodenal
intussusception was visualized as two concentric rings with
outer echogenic wall and hypoechoic lumen. All cases of IO
showed leukocytosis, hypoproteinemia, and increased activity of
alkaline phosphatase and aspartate aminotransferase.
Ultrasonography proved to be an essential tool for diagnosis and
differential diagnosis of various forms of IO in buffaloes.
buffalo, ileus, intestine, intussusception, ultrasonography.
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