Open Access
online: 15-11-2016)
Helminth infections in domestic dogs from
Russia -
T. V. Moskvina and A. V. Ermolenko
Veterinary World, 9(11): 1248-1258

T. V. Moskvina:
Department of Biodiversity and Marine Bioresources, Far Eastern
Federal University, School of Natural Sciences, 690922
Vladivostok, Russia;
A. V. Ermolenko:
Department of Zoological, Laboratory of Parasitology, Institute of
Biology and Soil Science, Far-Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of
Sciences, 690022 Vladivostok, Russia;
Received: 17-07-2016, Accepted: 04-10-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
T. V. Moskvina, e-mail:
Moskvina TV, Ermolenko AV (2016) Helminth infections in domestic
dogs from Russia, Veterinary World, 9(11): 1248-1258.
Dogs are the hosts for a wide helminth spectrum including
tapeworms, flatworms, and nematodes. These parasites affect the
dog health and cause morbidity and mortality, especially in young
and old animals. Some species, as
Toxocara canis,
Ancylostoma caninum,
Dipylidium caninum,
spp. are well-known zoonotic parasites worldwide, resulting in
high public health risks. Poor data about canine helminth species
and prevalence are available in Russia, mainly due to the absence
of official guidelines for the control of dog parasites. Moreover,
the consequent low quality of veterinary monitoring and use of
preventive measures, the high rate of environmental contamination
by dog feces and the increase of stray dog populations, make the
control of the environmental contamination by dog helminths very
difficult in this country. This paper reviews the knowledge on
canine helminth fauna and prevalence in Russia. Practical aspects
related to diagnosis, treatment, and control of parasitic diseases
of dogs in Russia are discussed.
dog, helminth infections, Russia, zoonosis.
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