Open Access
online: 03-11-2016)
Escherichia coli
O157 in milk and dairy products from
Libya: Isolation and molecular identification by partial
sequencing of 16S rDNA -
Aboubaker M. Garbaj, Enas M. Awad, Salah M. Azwai, Said K.
Abolghait, Hesham T. Naas, Ashraf A. Moawad, Fatim T. Gammoudi,
Ilaria Barbieri and Ibrahim M. Eldaghayes
Veterinary World, 9(11): 1184-1189

Aboubaker M. Garbaj:
Department of Food Hygiene and Control, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Tripoli, P.O. Box 13662, Tripoli, Libya;
Enas M. Awad:
Department of Food Hygiene and Control, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Tripoli, P.O. Box 13662, Tripoli, Libya;
Salah M. Azwai:
Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli, P.O. Box 13662,
Tripoli, Libya;
Said K. Abolghait:
Department of Food Hygiene and Control, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Suez Canal University, 41522 Ismailia, Egypt;
Hesham T. Naas:
Department of Food Hygiene and Control, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Tripoli, P.O. Box 13662, Tripoli, Libya;
Ashraf A. Moawad:
Department of Food Hygiene and Control, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Cairo University, 12211 Giza, Egypt;
Fatim T. Gammoudi:
Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli, P.O. Box 13662,
Tripoli, Libya;
Ilaria Barbieri:
Department of Genetics, The Lombardy and Emilia Romagna
Experimental Zootechnic Institute (IZSLER), Via Bianchi 9, 25124
Brescia, Italy;
Ibrahim M. Eldaghayes:
Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli, P.O. Box 13662,
Tripoli, Libya;
Received: 11-05-2016, Accepted: 28-09-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Ibrahim M. Eldaghayes, e-mail:
Garbaj AM, Awad EM, Azwai SM, Abolghait SK, Naas HT, Moawad AA,
Gammoudi FT, Barbieri I, Eldaghayes IM (2016) Enterohemorrhagic
Escherichia coli
O157 in milk and dairy products from Libya: Isolation and
molecular identification by partial sequencing of 16S rDNA,
Veterinary World, 9(11):
The aim of this work was to isolate and molecularly identify
Escherichia coli
(EHEC) O157 in milk and dairy products in Libya, in addition; to
clear the accuracy of cultural and biochemical identification as
compared with molecular identification by partial sequencing of
16S rDNA for the existing isolates.
Materials and Methods:
A total of 108 samples of raw milk (cow, she-camel, and goat)
and locally made dairy products (fermented cow’s milk, Maasora,
Ricotta and ice cream) were collected from some regions (Janzour,
Tripoli, Kremiya, Tajoura and Tobruk) in Libya. Samples were
subjected to microbiological analysis for isolation of
E. coli
that was detected by conventional cultural and molecular method
using polymerase chain reaction and partial sequencing of 16S
Out of 108 samples, only 27 isolates were found to be EHEC O157
based on their cultural characteristics (Tellurite-Cefixime-Sorbitol
MacConkey) that include 3 isolates from cow’s milk (11%), 3
isolates from she-camel’s milk (11%), two isolates from goat’s
milk (7.4%) and 7 isolates from fermented raw milk samples
(26%), isolates from fresh locally made soft cheeses (Maasora
and Ricotta) were 9 (33%) and 3 (11%), respectively, while none
of the ice cream samples revealed any growth. However, out of
these 27 isolates, only 11 were confirmed to be
E. coli
by partial sequencing of 16S rDNA and
E. coli
O157 Latex agglutination test. Phylogenetic analysis revealed
that majority of local
E. coli
isolates were related to
E. coli
O157:H7 FRIK944 strain.
These results can be used for further studies on EHEC O157 as an
emerging foodborne pathogen and its role in human infection in
16S rDNA, dairy products, enterohemorrhagic
Escherichia coli
O157, milk.
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