Open Access
online: 23-10-2016)
The effect of lead on the process of
spermatogenesis in sex glands of male albino rats -
Olga Sergeevna Shubina and Natalia Anatolievna Dudenkova
Veterinary World, 9(10): 1129-1134

Olga Sergeevna Shubina:
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher
Education, M. E. Evseviev Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute,
Saransk, Russia;
Natalia Anatolievna Dudenkova:
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher
Education, M. E. Evseviev Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute,
Saransk, Russia;
Received: 19-06-2016, Accepted: 27-08-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Olga Sergeevna Shubina, e-mail:
Shubina OS, Dudenkova NA (2016) The effect of lead on the
process of spermatogenesis in sex glands of male albino rats,
Veterinary World,
The aim of this study was to investigate the morphological and
functional features of the process of spermatogenesis in the
testes of male albino rats when exposed to lead acetate.
Materials and Methods:
Using histological, morphometric and statistical methods
explored the effects of lead acetate on the process of
spermatogenesis in the testes of male albino rats.
Investigations were carried out using a digital microscope Axio
Imager.M2 and automatic cell counter Countess™.
It is shown that when exposed to lead acetate a decrease in the
production of all populations of spermatogenic cells, decreased
spermatogenesis index and an index of relaxation (tension
spermatogenesis), the increase in the index of ripening, index
meiotic activity and germinative index, which indicates a
decrease in the functional activity of the testes. On
preparations, it is possible to see that after the influence of
acetate of lead the head of spermatozoa becomes more roundish,
breaks of tails observed.
Lead acetate reduces the productivity of the seminal glands,
which leads to the decrease of the concentration of spermatozoa,
and their viability. The results of the studies suggest a
negative impact of lead acetate in the course of the process of
spermatogenesis in the testes of male white rats.
epididymis (appendage testis), lead acetate, seminal glands
(testis), Sertoli cells, spermatogenesis, spermatogenic cells.
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