Open Access
online: 26-09-2016)
Genetic evaluation of
reproduction performance of Jersey × Red Sindhi crossbred cows -
S. Vinothraj, A. Subramaniyan, R. Venkataramanan, Cecilia Joseph
and S. N. Sivaselvam
Veterinary World, 9(9): 1012-1017

S. Vinothraj :
Department of
Animal Genetics and Breeding, Madras Veterinary College, Vepery,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India;
A. Subramaniyan :
Department of
Animal Genetics and Breeding, Madras Veterinary College, Vepery,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India;
R. Venkataramanan :
Department of
Animal Genetics and Breeding, Post-graduate Research Institute
in Animal Sciences, Kattupakkam - 603 203, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
Cecilia Joseph :
Department of ARGO,
Madras Veterinary College, Vepery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India;
S. N. Sivaselvam :
Department of
Animal Genetics and Breeding, Madras Veterinary College, Vepery,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India;
Received: 06-03-2016, Accepted: 13-08-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Venkataramanan, e-mail:
Vinothraj S, Subramaniyan A, Venkataramanan R, Joseph C,
Sivaselvam SN (2016) Genetic evaluation of reproduction
performance of Jersey × Red Sindhi crossbred cows, Veterinary
World, 9(9): 1012-1017.
The present
investigation was undertaken to study the reproduction
performance and effect of non-genetic factors on reproduction
performance of Jersey crossbred cows.
Materials and
Data on 355
Jersey crossbred cattle maintained at the Post-graduate Research
Institute in Animal Sciences, Kattupakkam, Tamil Nadu,
distributed over 30 years (1985 to 2014). The effect of various
non-genetic factors including the period of birth, season of
birth, period of calving, season of calving and parity were
analyzed through least-squares analyses using univariate general
linear model. The different (co)variance components for
calculation of genetic parameters were estimated using
restricted maximum likelihood method by fitting an animal model.
overall least-squares means (±standard error) of age at first
service, age at first calving, weight at first calving, service
period, calving interval, dry period, and number of services per
conception were 848.06±9.72 days, 1204±12.20 days, 289.81±1.71
kg, 210.01±6.41 days, 489.12±6.45 days, 137.96±5.58 days,
2.50±0.07, respectively. Period of calving had either
significant (p<0.05) or highly significant (p<0.01) effect on
all reproduction traits studied except service period, calving
interval, and dry period. Number of services per conception was
affected by season of calving. Parity had significant influence
(p<0.05) or highly significant (p<0.01) influence on all the
traits studied except service period and dry period.
Heritability estimates of age at first service, age at first
calving, weight at first calving, service period, calving
interval, dry period, and number of services per conception were
0.299, 0.220, 0.017, 0.142, 0.222, 0.177, and 0.042,
respectively. The estimates of repeatability for service period,
calving interval, dry period, and number of services per
conception were 0.219, 0.234, 0.420, and 0.001, respectively.
reproduction performances of Jersey × Red Sindhi crossbreds were
lower when compared to the earlier reports on Jersey crossbreds.
Heritability and repeatability values were also low to moderate,
indicating limited scope for improvement through selection.
genetic parameters, Jersey crossbred, reproductive performance.
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