Open Access
online: 29-09-2016)
Molecular characterization of
Fasciola hepatica
and phylogenetic analysis based on
mitochondrial (nicotiamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase
subunit I and cytochrome oxidase subunit I) genes from the
North-East of Iran -
Saber Raeghi, Ali Haghighi, Majid Fasihi Harandi, Adel Spotin,
Kourosh Arzamani and Soheila Rouhani
Veterinary World, 9(9): 1034-1038

Saber Raeghi:
Department of Parasitology and Mycology, School of Medicine,
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran;
Ali Haghighi:
Department of Parasitology and Mycology, School of Medicine,
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran;
Majid Fasihi Harandi:
Research Center for Hydatid disease in Iran, School of Medicine,
Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran;
Adel Spotin:
Department of Parasitology, Medical Faculty, Tabriz University
of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran;
Kourosh Arzamani:
Vector-borne Diseases Research Center, North Khorasan University
of Medical Sciences, Bojnurd, Iran;
Soheila Rouhani:
Department of Parasitology and Mycology, School of Medicine,
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran;
Received: 03-06-2016, Accepted: 17-08-2016, Published online:
Corresponding author:
Soheila Rouhani, e-mail:
Raeghi S, Haghighi A, Harandi MF, Spotin A, Arzamani K, Rouhani
S (2016) Molecular characterization of
Fasciola hepatica
and phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial (nicotiamide
adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase subunit I and cytochrome
oxidase subunit I) genes from North-East of Iran,
Veterinary World, 9(9):
Fascioliasis is one of the most zoonotic diseases with global
extension. As the epidemiological distribution of
may lead to various genetic patterns of the parasite, the aim of
this study is to identify
Fasciola hepatica
based on spermatogenesis, and phylogenetic analysis using
mitochondrial (nicotiamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase
subunit I [ND1] and cytochrome oxidase subunit I) gene marker.
Materials and Methods:
In this study, 90
F. hepatica
collected from 30 cattle at slaughterhouse located in three
different geographical locations in the North-East of Iran were
evaluated based on spermatogenetic ability and internal
transcribed spacer 1 gene restriction fragment length
polymorphism pattern. Genetic diversity and phylogenetic
relationship using mtDNA gene marker for the isolates from the
North-East of Iran, and other countries were then analyzed.
Partial sequences of mtDNA showed eight haplotypes in both
genes. The phylogenic analysis using neighbor joining as well as
maximum likelihood methods showed similar topologies of trees.
Pairwise fixation index between different
F. hepatica
populations calculated from the nucleotide data set of ND1 gene
are statistically significant and show the genetic difference.
F. hepatica
found in this region of Iran has different genetic structures
through the other
populations in the world.
Cytochrome oxidase subunit I,
Fasciola hepatica,
Iran, molecular characterization, nicotiamide adenine
dinucleotide dehydrogenase subunit I, phylogenic.
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