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Evaluation of the acridine orange fluorescence
technique and the indirect fluorescent antibody as
diagnostic tests for tropical theileriosis -
O. H. Omer, O.M. Mahmoud, A.A. Al-Sadrani
Vet World. 2011; 4(8): 341-344
doi: 10.5455/vetworld.2011.341-344
This study was carried out to evaluate the use of
acridine orange fluorescence technique on blood
slides as a rapid diagnostic test for tropical
theileriosis in comparison with the Giemsa-stained
thin blood film technique. Also the indirect
fluorescent antibody test has been employed for
the serodiagnosis of tropical theileriosis. The
study was carried out on 62 young and 48 adult
Friesian cattle suffering from clinical tropical
theileriosis in Qassim Region, Central Saudi
Arabia, during the period from August 2006 to July
2008. For control, blood samples were also
obtained from 25 young and 25 adult, clinically
healthy, Friesian cattle, selected at random from
different dairy farms in Qassim Region. Thin blood
films were fixed with methanol and stained with
Giemsa and acridine orange and were examined by
two independent microbiologists. There was 100%
correlation in the interpretation of slides
stained with Giemsa and acridine orange both with
respect to positivity and negativity, between the
two microbiologists. It is concluded that if
facilities are available acridine orange is a
valuable alternative for screening tropical
theileriosis. The method may also have potential
value in the diagnosis of Theileria parva, which
causes East Coast fever, and also other Theileria
species. Results of the present study also showed
that IFA test was not found sufficiently sensitive
and specific as has been reported earlier.
Keywords: Theileria annulata; Cattle-protozoa;
Diagnosis; Acridine orange; IFA.