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Antineoplastic drugs : Treatment principles and
toxicity - Bibu John Kariyil
Vet World. 2011; 4(8): 380-382
doi: 10.5455/vetworld.2011.380-382
The therapy of cancer has improved dramatically
during the past half century. This improvement can
be traced to a number of factors: a better
understanding of cancer's cause and natural
history, better technologies for early detection
and diagnosis, improved control of primary tumors
through surgery and radiation therapy and more
effective drugs. The evolution of drug therapy for
cancer has progressed rapidly from alkylating
agents and antimetabolites to natural products,
and most recently, molecular targeted drugs such
as imatinib and gefitinib. As our understanding of
the biology of cancer improves, new targets for
therapy are being identified daily.
Antineoplastic drugs, Drug classes,
Pathophysiology, Treatment, Toxicity