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Protozoan diseases of livestock in Arunachal
Pradesh - An overview -
Tilling Tayo, Neeta Longjam, Bangkeng Perme
Vet World. 2011; 4(7): 332-336
doi: 10.5455/vetworld.2011.332-336
The people
(Tribes) of Arunachal Pradesh have the natural
tendency to remain close contact with animals
since immortal. The domestic animals are kept in
basement of the house with human occupants in the
first floor of same house. They remain in close
contact with cattle, sheep, goat, pigs, poultry,
cats and dogs throughout the year, exposing them
to many animal born diseases of occupational risk.
People are not aware of zoonotic diseases sharing
between domesticated animal and human beings
except for Rabies. So, there is regular out break
of most common protozoan zoonotic diseases in
human Giardiosis caused by Giardia spp. and
amoebosis caused by Entamoeba spp. in the state.
Another important disease of clinical significance
is toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasma usually causes a
febrile illness and abortions in pregnant women.
The source of infection in humans may be due to
close proximity with cats and unhygienic
sanitation. Similarly high incidences of
sarcocystis were reported form many district of
Arunachal Pradesh. Source of transmission were
adjudge to be eating of smoked pork and other meat
product along with natural habit of eating raw
vegetable as salad from contaminated areas could
be the probable mode of transmission.
Protozoa, Zoonoses, Transmission, Human, Animal,
Occupational risk,