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Influences of age on the prevalence of parasitic
infections among donkeys in Erode district,
Tamilnadu, India -
R. Chitra, S.
Rajendran, D. Prasanna, A. Kirubakaran
Vet World. 2011; 4(6): 258-259
Parasitic infections are known to affect donkeys
causing considerable mortality and morbidity. Fresh
faecal samples were directly collected from the
rectum of donkeys belonging to four age groups viz.
< 0.5 years, 0.5 – 3.0 years, 3.1 – 8.0 years and >
8 years. Donkeys of different age groups in the
present study had slightly different helminth
profiles. Young donkeys (<0.5 years) generally had a
high prevalence of Strongyloides. They seemed to
have less number of Strongyles and Ascarids. But the
level of Strongyles and Ascarids increased when the
donkeys became older, but then decreased. It may be
due to the development of age immunity to Strongyles
and Ascarids in adult donkeys. Strongyloides were
found to less in older donkeys.
Donkey, Parasitic infection, Strongyloides,
Strongyles, Ascarids, Different age groups