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Nutritional strategies
to prevent urolithiasis in animals -
Lipismita Samal, Ashok Kumar Pattanaik, Chinmoy
Mishra, Biswa Ranjan Maharana, Laxmi Narayan Sarangi,
Rubina Kumari Baithalu
Vet World. 2011; 4(3): 142-144
Urolithiasis is a common problem in both ruminants
and non-ruminants and nutrition plays a significant
role in predisposing urolithiasis. The nutritional
factors mainly influence urinary constituents and
pH, which affect stone nucleation and growth. While
surgery can render a patient stone-free,
non-operative treatment modalities are required to
prevent and reduce the risk of recurrent
urolithiasis. Moreover, long-term pharmacological
therapy and its potential side effects often lead to
subsequent failure. In this regard, nutritional
management is the best preventive strategy against
Keywords: Urolithiasis,
Incidence, Herbal feed additives, Antioxidant
therapy, Nutritional management.