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Eosinophilic myositis resulted from Sarcocystis
infection in prime marbled beef of Japanese black
cattle - Tohru Kimura
Vet World. 2011; 4(11): 500-502
doi: 10.5455/vetworld.2011.500-502
Partial changes of color (greenish to brownish)
were found in prime marbled beef of Japanese black
cattle. The disseminated lesions of the skeletal
muscles were histopathologically examined in
relation to Sarcocystis infection. The lesions in
the muscles showed granulomas with inflammatory
cell infiltration. The sarcocysts had a distinct
wall, which was radically striated by palisading
villar protrusions. The sarcocyst wall was
surrounded by degenerative eosinophils and
necrotic muscle fibers. In conclusion,
eosinophilic myositis in prime marbled beef of
Japanese black cattle resulted from Sarcocystis
spp. infection. The muscular lesions were
characterized by the presence of granulomas and
capsulated sarcocysts surrounded by numerous
Keywords: eosinophilic
myositis, granulomas, Japanese black cattle,
sarcocyst, Sarcocystis spp.