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Comparison of PrestokonŽ and Furazine - IIŽ in
the treatment of microbial diarrhoea in neonatal
lambs -
A K Mohammed
Vet World. 2011; 4(9): 420-422
doi: 10.5455/vetworld.2011.420-422
A comparative efficacy of PrestokonŽ and Furazine-IIŽ
in the treatment of microbial diarrhea in neonatal
lambs over a 24 hour period was evaluated.
Microbial Colony Forming Units (CFU) per gram of
each faecal sample was determined before treatment
and 24 hours after treatment, specific causative
microorganisms were not isolated. The average
total CFU / g of faeces killed within 24 hours by
PrestokonŽ was 63.31+ 6.22 % and 32.47+14.75 % for
Furazine-IIŽ. The clinical response to treatment
was also significantly (P < 0.01) better in lambs
treated with PrestokonŽ. Although the result of
this study suggest that PrestokonŽ might be more
effective in the treatment of microbial diarrhea
in lambs, it must be pointed out that clinically
both drugs can be given repeatedly over a period
of several days until clinical cure or improvement
was observed.
Key words: Microbial
diarrhea, neonatal lambs, treatment.