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Review Article
One health, one medicine, one world: Co-joint of
animal and human medicine with perspectives, A
review -
C Mersha and F Tewodros
Vet World. 2012; 5(4): 238-243
10.5455/vetworld.201 2.238-243
Human and
veterinary medicine have many commonalities. The
split into distinct disciplines occurred at
different times in different places. In Europe,
the establishment of the first veterinary
university toward the end of 18th century was
triggered by ravaging renderpest epidemics and the
increasing importance of live stock for draft,
food, supply and war fare. Given this background,
would it make sense to combine human, animal,
traditional, and modern medicine in health care
provisions especially in less developed countries?
Such a one health one medicine approach would
enhance biomedical progress, improve the outreach
medical and veterinary serves especially in remote
areas, after great choices to patients and make
health care more culturally appropriate on the
hand, it would require generality rather than
specialists. Because rare diseases may go
unrecognized. The commonalities of human and
veterinary medicine and the financial constraints
many governments are presently facing are
arguments in favor of a one health one medicine
approach, while status thinking, education system,
administrative structures and legislation hinder
its implementations. Gradually, change in
education and training, the creation of
institutional linkages, and the removal of legal
barriers could help overcome obstacles.
Keywords: Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine,
One Health, One Medicine, One World.