Veterinary World


ISSN (Online): 2231-0916


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Original Research

5. Economic impact of an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Khartoum state, Sudan - A M El-Hussein and A Daboura
Vet World. 2012; 5(4): 219-222

The economic impact of an outbreak of foot and mouth disease that took place during 2002 was assessed in dairy farms of Khartoum state, Sudan. A total of 11 farms (8 cooperative and 3 privately owned) of mostly crossbred Friesian X indigenous cattle were investigated. The total number of the animals in these farms were 1160 of which 715 were adult and 445 were calves. The statistical analysis was carried out using t student test. The costs of the outbreak were assessed in terms of losses in milk production, costs of drugs used to alleviate the symptoms, and death of affected animals. The overall cost to the dairy farmers in the state was estimated USD 1 771 924 with the loss in milk production constituting the main component in this cost. Keywords: Economic impact; Diary cattle; FMD; Sudan