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Research (Published
online : 20-05-2013)
11. Studies on physical and rheological
properties of cervico-vaginal mucus during early pregnancy in buffaloes (Bubalus
bubalis) -
Veenapani Sharma, Shiv Prasad and H. P. Gupta
Vet World. 2013; 6(8): 508-511
Aim: The present work was
carried out to study and compare the variation in physical and rheological
(study of stretch and elasticity) properties of cervico-vaginal mucus of
pregnant and non pregnant animals which could be used for early pregnancy
diagnosis in buffaloes.
Materials and Methods: Cervico-vaginal mucus
samples were obtained from 30 buffaloes (n=12 pregnant, n=18 non pregnant) and
a comparison was made between values of different parameters obtained from
pregnant and non pregnant animals. Transparency, consistency, and elasticity
of mucus were studied during early pregnancy.
Results: Transparency and
consistency did not show any remarkable difference between pregnant and non
pregnant animals during any phase of estrous cycle. However, rheological
property i.e. elasticity, showed a significant difference in its value on 9th
day of estrous cycle. Spinnbarkeit value decreased significantly in pregnant
animals on 9th day (3.9±0.45 cm), whereas non pregnant group did not show a
remarkable difference (8.4±0.43). Spinnbarkeit value was unidentifiable from
12th day onward in both the groups.
Conclusion: These results conclude
that significant variation in mucus elasticity could be helpful in designing
user friendly tool for early pregnancy diagnosis in buffalo in future.
Keywords: cervico-vaginal mucus, color, consistency, early pregnancy
diagnosis, elasticity, physical and rheological properties