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14. Biological response of broiler supplemented
with varying dose of direct fed microbial -
Saurabh Chawla, Shivani Katoch, K. S. Sharma and V. K. Sharma
Vet World. 2013; 6(8): 521-524
Aim: To study biological
response of the isolated strain (Direct fed microbial- DFM) of Enterococcus
spp. in broilers at different dose rates.
Materials and Methods:
Various treatments consisted of T0: Control (Culture medium); T1- isolated
direct fed microbial namely Enterococcus faecium (2.8 x 108 cfu/kg feed); T2-
Enterococcus faecium (4.8 x 108 cfu/kg feed), T3- Enterococcus faecium (6.8 x
108 cfu/kg feed) and T4- Enterococcus faecium (8.8 x 108 cfu/kg feed). Growth
attributes and feed consumption was recorded at regular intervals. Randomly 6
birds per treatment were chosen for blood collection and for estimation of
calcium, phosphorus and cholesterol concentration in blood. Representative
sample of birds were slaughtered and caecal contents were collected under
sterile conditions to study microbial flora.
Results: Dose specific
results for growth attributes, FCR, plasma concentration of calcium,
phosphorus and cholesterol, and microbiological evaluation of caeca were
obtained after supplementation of isolated DFM. Enterococcus spp.
supplementation at low doses (2.8 x 108 cfu) resulted in significant increase
in weight gain and better FCR. Low dosage supplementation of Enterococcus spp.
also increased calcium concentration and lowered cholesterol in blood. Birds
in treatment T4 supplemented with high dose of Enterococcus spp. performed
poorly as compared to control. All treatments had high ratio of gram positive
to gram negative bacteria.
Conclusion: It was concluded that isolated
strain of Enterococcus acted as probiotics only at low dosage (2.8 x 108 cfu).
Further it was found that overall biological performance was negatively
correlated to higher dose (8.8 x 108 cfu) of supplementations of Enterococcus
spp. Micro floral study of caecal content indicated that the strain was able
to establish itself in the gut.
Keywords: broilers, direct fed
microbial, dosage, Enterococcus spp., probiotics