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online : 26-05-2013)
18. Prevalence of rotaviral infection in
diarrheic neonatal calves in Mosul city, Iraq -
I. A. Al-Robaiee and M. I. Al- Farwachi
Vet World. 2013; 6(8): 538-540
Aim: The objective of the
current study was to identify the prevalence of rotaviral infection in
neonatal calves in Mosul city, Iraq.
Materials and Methods: From
November 2010 to March 2011 a total 220 faecal samples were collected from
both diarrheic (n=110) and non- diarrheic (n=110) neonatal calves, aged
between 1– 30 days from different part of Mosul city, Iraq. All faecal samples
were analysed by capture direct ELISA kit.
Results: Rotaviral infection
was found in n=17 (15.5 % ) of 110 diarrheic calves and only 5 faecal samples
(4.5 %) from 110 non-diarrheic animals .The prevalence of infection peaked in
animals at 8 – 15 days of age.
Conclusion: The data provides evidence
for the role of rotavirus as a reason of neonatal calf diarrhoea in Mosul
city, Iraq.
Keywords: calf, diarrhoea, prevalence, Rotavirus