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2. Study of poultry coccidiosis in organized and
backyard farms of Jammu region -
Sourabh Sharma, Asif Iqbal, Shugufta Azmi and Hamid A. Shah
Vet World. 2013; 6(8): 467-469
The present study was undertaken to know the Prevalence of
chicken coccidiosis in Jammu division in both organized and
backyard chickens during the year 2010-11.
Materials and Methods: A total of 720 faecal samples were
collected from both organized farms and backyard poultry
(unorganized) sector of Jammu.
Results: The overall prevalence of 39.58% was recorded in the
present study and five Eimeria species were identified
E. tenella,
E. necatrix, E. maxima, E. acervulina and
E. mitis. E. tenella was the predominant species in
both organized and unorganized farms.
Conclusion: Higher prevalence of 53.61% in unorganized
(backyard poultry birds) as compared to organized birds (25.55%)
was recorded. The prevalence was the highest in monsoon from both
organized and unorganized managemental practices.
words: backyard chicken, Eimeria, Jammu, poultry