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21. Seroprevalence studies
of bovine brucellosis using indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
at organized and unorganized farms in three different states of India - Ramesh V
Jagapur, Rajesh Rathore, K Karthik and Ramesh Somavanshi
Vet World. 2013; 6(8): 550-553
Aim: The present study was undertaken to know the seroprevalence of
brucellosis in cattle and buffaloes. The work was carried out during the
period 2011 through 2013 at Centre for Animal Diseases, Research and
Diagnostics, IVRI, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Materials and Methods:
A total of 1005 sera samples were collected and tested for bovine brucellosis
using ELISA Kit; IDEXX, CHEKIT, Brucellose serum, Brucella abortus Antibody
Test Kit.
Results: A total of 1005 serum samples were collected from
Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand during the period of 2011 to 2013 and
were screened for bovine brucellosis using i-ELISA (indirect enzyme linked
immunosorbent assay). The prevalence of bovine brucellosis was compared
between organized and unorganized farms in order to find the epidemiology of
the disease among the animal population. Sera from 5 organized farms in
Karnataka were collected for seroprevalence studies. Out of 417 animals, 191
(45.80%) animals were found positive by i-ELISA. A total of 361 serum samples
were collected from 5 unorganized farms or villages, of which 82 (22.71%) were
positive. From Uttar Pradesh, bovine serum samples were collected from 3
organized farms. Out of 192 animals, 43 (22.39%) animals were found positive
for brucellosis. Similarly, sera collected from a single organized farm from
Uttarakhand, showed 3 (8.57%) positivity among 35 animals. On the whole, 319
(31.74%) animals were found positive for brucellosis among the 3 states taken
for study, which includes 138 (27.21%) cattle and 181 (36.34%) buffaloes.
It has been found that Brucella infections are widely prevalent in organized
and unorganized dairy farms in investigated states of India.
Keywords: brucellosis, buffaloes, cattle, i-ELISA, seroprevalance