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online : 05-06-2013)
Investigation of caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus in the Sudan using
competitive enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay - Abdelghafar M.
Elfahal, Mohammed O. Hussien, Khalid A. Enan, Khalid M. Taha, Diaeldin A.
Salih, Rajaa H. Halfawi, Zakia A. Mohammed and Abdelrahim M. El-Hussein
Vet World. 2013; 6(8): 558-562
Aim: This seroprevalence
study was carried out to detect anti Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus (CAEV)
antibodies in goat sera in five States in Sudan during 2009 and 2010.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 432 sera samples collected from five
States in Sudan were screened for anti-CAEV antibodies using a commercially
available competitive ELISA (cELISA) kit. Results: Out of 432 samples,
25 (5.8%) tested positive using ELISA. The highest prevalence was recorded in
El-Gazira State (19%), whereas the prevalence was 10.7% in Kassala State,
0.92% in Khartoum State and no samples tested positive from Northern and River
Nile States.
Conclusion: Our findings revealed that the disease had
spread to other states, apart from its previously known prevalence in
Khartoum, in Sudan. Our results call for better control and quarantine
measures on imports of live animals into Sudan for genetic improvement
programs. Further epizootiological investigations on CAEV in goats and Maedi
Visna Virus in sheep at a national level are also needed to carefully monitor
and prevent its spread and also to determine its impact on the economy of
Sudan. Keywords: caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus, goat, cELISA,
small ruminant lentiviruses, Sudan