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25. Evaluation of the constitutive expression levels of ch-TLR 3, ch-TLR 4,
ch-TLR 15 and ch-TLR 21 genes in the Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of
native Indian poultry breeds, Aseel and Kadaknath -
Meeta V. Patel, Pankaj Kumar, Hemen Das,
Abidali Dadawala, H. C. Chauhan, B. S. Chandel, N. M. Shah, H. N. Kher
Vet World. 2013; 6(8): 568-572
Aim: To assess
the basal constitutive expression levels of ch-TLR3, ch-TLR 4, ch-TLR 15 and
ch-TLR 21 in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in Aseel and
Kadaknath chicks (Indian native poultry breeds) and to evaluate the
differences in their general innate immune competence.
Materials and
Methods: PBMCs were isolated from 21 day old Aseel and Kadaknath chicks
(n=4) and were subjected to RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis. The basal
expression of ch-TLR 3, 4, 15 and 21 was studied using real time PCR with SYBR
green chemistry using 18 S-rRNA as the housekeeping gene. Results:
PBMCs isolated from Kadaknath chicks exhibited a significantly higher (p<0.05)
constitutive expression of ch-TLR 3, ch-TLR 15 and ch-TLR 21 genes when
compared to Aseel chicks. In comparison to Aseel, Kadaknath chicks recorded
14.774, 7.182 and 3.507 fold higher expressions of ch-TLR 3, ch-TLR 15 and
ch-TLR 21 genes, respectively. In contrast, the
constitutive expression of ch-TLR 4 was found to be higher (by 1.733 fold) in
Aseel chicks.
Conclusion: Our results indicate that Kadaknath chicks
are equipped with a better innate immune competence in comparison to Aseel
Keywords: Aseel, ch-TLR3, ch-TLR4, ch-TLR15, ch-TLR21,
Kadaknath, Innate immune competence