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(Published online : 14-06-2013)
26. Flavonoids in the development of functional meat products: A review -
Pavan Kumar, Sunil Kumar, M. K.Tripathi, Nitin
Mehta, Rajeev Ranjan, Z. F. Bhat, Pramod K. Singh
Vet World. 2013; 6(8): 573-578
Flavonoids or
bioflavonoids are unique low molecular weight ubiquitous polyphenolic
compounds produced by plants during their metabolic activities as a secondary
metabolites and responsible for major organoleptic characteristics and health
benefits of plant derived foods. The flavonoids are potent antioxidants agents
and protect the cells by scavenging and inhibiting the production and
initiation of free radicals, superoxide anions and lipid peroxy radicals.
Besides potent antioxidant capacity, flavonoids also shows antimicrobial,
antimutagenic, antidiabetic, antithrombosis, antirheumatic,
antiatherosclerotic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antiulcers and
hepatoprotectives and better termed as neutraceuticals. The antioxidant
capacity of meat is very low and this can be increased by adding flavonoids in
meat during processing in the form of plant parts rich in flavonoids such as
seeds, fruit skin or peel, bark and flower as raw or in extract form without
comprising the sensory attributes of meat and meat products. Keywords:
antioxidants, flavonoids, functional meat products, grape seed, green tea,