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Research (Published
online : 16-05-2013)
7. Effect of administration of ultra-corn with
bivalent Foot and Mouth disease oil vaccine in calves -
Eman Mahmoud Mohamed, Ehab El-Sayed Ibrahim and Fatma Sayed Mohamed
Vet World. 2013; 6(8): 486-492
Aim: The present work was
established in order to investigate the effect of ultra-corn administration on
the immune response of vaccinated calves with FMD bivalent oil vaccine.
Materials and Methods: Forty calves; at a private farm in EL-Fayoum
Governorate (Locality A); were divided into 4 groups where the first group was
vaccinated with the locally produced FMD bivalent oil vaccine alone while the
2nd, 3rd and 4th group were vaccinated with the same vaccine simultaneously
with the inoculation of 1, 1.5 and 2mL/100kg body weight of ultra-corn
respectively to estimate the antibody titer, the suitable dose and effect of
ultra-corn as immunostimulant using SNT and ELISA. Also after that used the
effective and lowest dose of ultra-corn simultaneously with the vaccine in
comparison with the vaccine alone by using 26 calves (Locality B) to study the
efficacy of ultra-corn simultaneously with vaccine and the vaccine alone via
challenge test using the virulent FMDV serotype A, O.
Results: Tested
serum samples obtained on week intervals post vaccination of all calve groups
were subjected for estimation of induced FMD antibodies type A and O using
serum neutralization test (SNT) and enzyme linked immune sorbent assay
(ELISA). Both tests indicate that 1.5mL, 2mL of ultra-corn enhanced the immune
response of vaccinated calves exhibiting higher and longer immunity than those
received the vaccine alone. In addition 26 calves housed under restrict
hygienic measures at Veterinary Serum and Vaccine Research Institute, were
divided into 4 groups where group-1 of 10 calves were vaccinated with the
bivalent FMD vaccine alone and group-2 was vaccinated with the same vaccine
simultaneously with 1.5mL of ultra-corn while group 3 and 4 were kept as
control for the challenge test. On the 4th week post vaccination group 1, 2 of
these animals was subdivided into 2 subgroups where the challenge test was
carried out against type A in a subgroup and O in other subgroup. SNT and
ELISA showed similar results obtained from the vaccinated farm animals and
challenge test via inoculation of virulent virus of FMD serotype A, O
indicated that animals received ultra-corn showed 100% protection against both
types of FMD virus while those did not receive ultra-corn showed 80%
protection (vaccine alone).
Conclusion: So it could be concluded that
ultra-corn has a potentiate effect on the immunogenicity of bivalent oil FMD
vaccine providing high immune levels of long duration.
bivalent, calves, FMD, immune response, serotype, vaccine