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(Published online : 31-03-2013)
Analysis of physico-chemical properties and heavy metals in drinking water from
different sources in and around Ranchi, Jharkhand, India -
Kerketta, Sushma Lalita Baxla, Ravuri Halley Gora, Suruchi Kumari and Rustam
Kumar Roushan
Vet World. 2013; 6(7): 370-375

Aim: The present study was undertaken to determine the physico-chemical
properties and heavy metals in drinking water samples collected from different
sources in and around Ranchi, Jharkhand, India.
Materials and Methods: A
total number of 100 water samples were collected from different sources like
hand pumps (44), wells (27), taps (20), rivers (3) and ponds (6). The gross
appearance, taste, odour, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen
demand, alkalinity, conductivity, total dissolved solid, salinity and the
concentration of lead and cadmium was analyzed.
Results: Water samples
were transparent, odourless and taste was agreeable except rivers and ponds. The
mean value of temperature (24.8±0.416 to 30.7±0.819), pH (6.4±0.1 to 7.3±0.1),
dissolved oxygen (3.9±0.05 to 8.95±0.15), biochemical oxygen demand (2.3±0.7 to
7.5±0.409), alkalinity (35±1 to 144.75±40.359), conductivity (83±1.15 to1508±0),
total dissolved solid (73±1 to 1422±0) and salinity (0.016±.014). Mean levels (ppm)
of Lead (Pb) was (0.01±0.00 to 0.11±0.03) and cadmium (Cd) was (0.04±0.01 to
Conclusion: Out of water samples collected from above
mentioned sources, samples from ponds and rivers were highly contaminated. The
pH of 6 water samples was more than prescribed level, dissolved oxygen in 11 was
samples was below than 5 ppm, biochemical oxygen demand in 19 water samples was
above 6 ppm, alkalinity in 14 samples were above 120 ppm, conductivity in 2
water samples were above1400 µS/cm, The levels of lead and cadmium was more than
the permissible limits.
Keywords: alkalinity, BOD, cadmium, DO, lead, pH,
physico-chemical properties, TDS