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(Published online : 31-03-2013)
Isolation and identification of Shigella spp. from human fecal samples collected
from Pantnagar, India -
Gaurav, S P Singh, J.P.S. Gill, Rajeev Kumar and Deepak Kumar
Vet World. 2013; 6(7): 376-379

Aim: To isolate and identify Shigella species from faecal samples based
on cultural and biochemical tests. Materials and Methods: For the
isolation of Shigella spp., faecal samples from cattle, poultry and humans were
collected from various locations of Pantnagar. Fecal specimens were processed
according to standard protocols.
Results: Out of 511 fecal samples (311
human, 100 cattle and 100 poultry faecal samples) analyzed, 8 isolates of
Shigella species were confirmed on the basis of Gram stain, morphology, cultural
identification and biochemical characters. All the 8 Shigella isolates were
obtained from human stool samples giving a prevalence rate of 2.57%.
Conclusion: Under the conditions of the current study, Shigella species were
prevalent in human population although in small numbers, whereas it was not
isolated from cattle and poultry samples. Keywords: Cultural and
Biochemical characters, diarrhoea, faecal samples, Shigella