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(Published online : 02-05-2013)
Breeding policy strategies for genetic improvement of cattle and buffaloes in
India -
Dasari Sreenivas
Vet World. 2013; 6(7): 455-460

Dairy cattle and buffalo production has undergone a major transformation
resulting into a substantial increase in milk production thus helping our
country to achieve top position in milk production in the world. Even though
various animal breeding and management programmes have contributed to this
improvement, there are constraints hampering the growth which require proper
attention by initiating realistic breeding policies for genetic improvement of
cattle and buffaloes. In view of this, optimum breeding policies for various
classes of cattle and buffaloes are presented with their strengths and
shortcomings. Technologies for selection of superior genotypes and
multiplication of their germplasm are also being discussed. Finally, some
breeding policy strategies for proper implementation of these programmes are
recommended for adoption.
Keywords: breeding policy, cross breeding,
grading up, selective breeding