Aim: To
examined Large and small scale yoghurts for presence of microorganisms of
sanitary importance. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 random samples
from various dairy shops, street vendors and supermarkets located in Qena city
were collected within 2008 - 2010.
Results: The recorded results show
that (92%) and (70%) of the examined small and large scale yoghurt samples had
Psychrotrophic count with an average of 3.9 x 104 and 6.8 x103 respectively. It
was found that Enterococci were detected in (58%) and (40%) with an average
count of 1.72 x104 and 2.0 x 103 for the examined small and large scale yoghourt
samples. S. aureus were detected in (72%) and (36%) with an average of 8.5 x 103
and 9.41 x102 for both small and large scale yoghurt samples. Regarding yeast
and moulds they were found in (94%) and (40%) with an average counts of 1.4 x
104 for small scale and 3.9 x 102 of large scale yoghurt samples. Most probable
number (MPN) technique showed that [(38), (20)], [(35), (17)] and [(30), (6)]
out of the total examined small and large scale yoghurt samples were
contaminated with coliform, Fecal coliform and E. coli respectively. The
incidence of E. coli biotype I and II for examined small scale yoghurt samples
were (63.4%) and (36.6%), while for the examined large scale yoghurt samples
were (16.7) and (83.3) respectively.
Conclusions: Yoghurt samples
obtained from Qena city markets constitute a high risk hazard to consumers. So
suggestive hygienic measures to safeguard the consumer health. As well as, the
recommended sanitary practices for improving quality of small and large scale
yoghurt must be applied. Keywords: Enterococci, large and small scale
yoghurt, Psychrotrophs, Staphylococcus aureus