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Research (Published
online : 06-11-2013)
21. Differential expression of duck Toll-like receptor
7 (dTLR7) in various organs of indigenous ducks -
K. Gautham, N. Ramamurthy, R. R. Churchil and T. R. Kannaki
Veterinary World, 6(11): 9 31-935
Aim: The present molecular
study was taken up with an aim of investigating the expression
profile of duck TLR7 mRNA in various tissues of indigenous ducks
of Tamil Nadu.
Materials and Methods: A total of 36 ducks which are reared
in extensive system have been chosen as research material for the
present experiment. Ducks were sacrificed and tissue samples
namely lungs, spleen and gastrointestinal tract (duodenum,
jejunum, ileum and caecum) were collected in RNA later solution.
Total RNA was extracted and converted to cDNA. Gene specific
primers were designed and quantitative SYBR Green based Real-time
Reverse Transcriptase PCR (qRT-PCR) was performed to study the
gene expression levels. The qRT-PCR data was normalized to β-actin,
house keeping gene as endogenous control.
Results: Real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed
higher expression in lungs and spleen, while expression being
lower in digestive organs. Among gut associated tissues, ileum
showed highest expression followed by caecum. Statistically no
significant difference (P<0.05) in TLR7 expression was found
between duodenum and jejunum.
Conclusion: These findings have indicated that considerable
level of dTLR7 is expressed in different tissues of ducks. The
results suggest that TLR7 mediated innate immune response
mechanism exists in native ducks, to fight against single stranded
RNA viruses.
Key words: immune response, indigenous ducks, real-time
qRT-PCR, Toll-like receptor 7.
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