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Research (Published
online : 01-10-2013)
6. Detection of toxigenic Clostridium difficile in
powdered infant and follow-up formulae in Egypt - Nagah Mohammed Saad,
Wallaa Farouk Amin and Eman Mokhtar Shaker
Veterinary World, 6(11): 862-864
Aim: To examine powdered
infant formula (PIF) and follow-up formula (FUF) for the presence
of toxigenic Clostridium difficile.
Materials and Methods: A total of 100 random samples of PIF
and FUF, 50 samples each, from various pharmacies and supermarkets
located in Assiut city were collected during 2008-2010.
Results: Our results show that 16 out of 100 (16%) examined
samples of PIF and FUF were contaminated with C. difficile; 4 (8%)
and 12 (24%) of the examined PIF and FUF samples tested positive
for C. difficile, respectively. Only two (16.67%) isolates of C.
difficile from the examined FUF were toxigenic, while the isolates
from the PIF samples were not toxigenic.
Conclusions: The presence of C. difficile in PIF and FUF
samples suggests that there is a high potential for the
transmission of C. difficile through these products. Thus, proper
preparation and handling of these products is required to reduce
the risk of the illnesses arising due to C. difficile.
Key words: Clostridium difficile, follow-up formula, latex
agglutination, powdered infant formula, toxigenic
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