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Research (Published
online : 28-08-2013)
20. Comparative study on haematological traits of
endangered Andaman wild pig and other indigenous pig breeds available at Andaman
and Nicobar Islands, India - Arun Kumar De, A. Kundu, M.S. Kundu, Jai
Sunder and S. Jeyakumar
Veterinary World, 6(10): 794-798
Aim: The present experiment
was conducted to investigate and compare the haematological
parameters of different pig breeds available at Andaman and
Nicobar Islands, India viz. Andaman wild pig, Nicobari pig,
Andaman desi pig and Large White Yorkshire (LWY). Six erythrocyte
traits, seven leukocyte traits and four platelet traits were
Materials and Methods: 10 ml blood was collected from each
adult pig via external jugular vein aseptically in a collection
tube containing anticoagulant EDTA (2 mg EDTA/ml of blood). All
these haematological parameters were measured by an instrument
named Cell Counter Analyzer MS9-5V (Melet Schloesing
Results: A significantly (p<0.05) higher Red Blood Cell
Concentration (RBC in 106/µl), Packed Cell Volume (PCV in %) and
Haemoglobin concentration (Hgb in g/dl) was found in Andaman wild
pig in comparison to all other pig breeds. The Total White Blood
Cell Concentration (WBC in 103/µl) was significantly (P<0.05)
higher in Andaman wild pig in comparison to all the other pig
breeds studied. The ratio of Neutrophil and Lymphocyte (N:L) was
lowest in Andaman wild pig and was highest in LWY. No significant
difference (P<0.05) was found in total Blood Platelet
Concentration (PLT in 103/µl) between Andaman wild pig and LWY but
the values were significantly higher in comparison to Andaman desi
pig and Nicobari pig.
Conclusions: The haematological parameters of different pig
breeds available at Andaman and Nicobar Islands were investigated
and compared and based on haematological parameters it was found
that Andaman wild pig is best adapted in the hot humid climate of
Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Large White Yorkshire is least
Keywords: adaptability, Andaman desi pig, Andaman wild pig,
haematology, Nicobari pig
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