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Research (Published
online : 03-09-2013)
21. Antioxidative effect of yak milk caseinates hydrolyzed with three
different proteases - Santosh Kumar, Vikrant Singh Chouhan, Ashwani
Sanghi and Udai Vir Singh Teotia
Veterinary World, 6(10): 799-802
Aim: Yak milk is a type of
milk that people are less familiar with due to its remote
geographical location which may have significant effects on
composition, microbiota and hydrolytic outcome. Present work was
designed with the aim to evaluate the antioxidative effect of
peptides derived from yak milk caseinate on hydrolysis with three
different proteases.
Materials and Methods: In this investigation Yak milk
casein was hydrolyzed by three commercially available proteases (Trypsin,
Pepsin and chymotrypsin). These hydrolysates collected at
different hydrolysis times (30 min, 60 min, 90 min, 120 min, 150
min, 180 min, 210 min, 240 min, 270 min, 300 min, 330 min and 360
min) were assayed for their antioxidant activity with respect to
the effect of incubation period. Hydrolysates obtained at 240 min
hydrolysis showed the highest antioxidant activity.
Results: Among all the enzyme hydrolysates, the tryptic
hydrolysates showed highest antioxidant activity followed by
chymotryptic hydrolysates. Further, the peptide samples showing
highest activity were subjected to RP-HPLC for their partial
characterization. Tryptic and peptic hydrolysates produced peaks
mainly in the region of hydrophillic solvent indicating the
presence of hydrophillic peptides/peptides.
Conclusion: The results indicated that yak milk casein
could be a resource to generate antioxidative peptides and be used
as multifunctional active ingredients for many value-added
functional foods as well as a traditional food protein.
Key words: antioxidant, hydrolysates, bioactive peptide,
hydrophilic, casein
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