Instructions for Authors
Veterinary World publishes high quality and novelty papers focusing on Veterinary and Animal Science. The fields of study are bacteriology, parasitology, pathology, virology, immunology, mycology, public health, biotechnology, meat science, nutrition, gynecology, surgery, genetics, prion diseases and epidemiology. Food animals, companion animals, equines, wild animals, laboratory animals and animal models of human infections are considered. Studies on zoonotic and emerging infections are highly appreciated. All articles published by Veterinary World are made freely and permanently accessible online. All articles to Veterinary World are posted online immediately as they are ready for publication. All articles will be assigned a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier) whereby they become searchable and citable without delay. The journal aims for a first decision to be made within 6-8 weeks (this time is the average time as review process depends on the spare time of the reviewers so, there may be more or less than this time occur) of receipt of the submission and the Editors-in-Chief make the final decision on publication. Online submission of manuscript: Veterinary World uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. Before being sent to reviewers, manuscripts are pre-screened by the editorial office to check that they agree with the criteria for publishing in Veterinary World: accordance with the aims and scope of the journal, nature of the study, originality of the results, quantity and quality of data, general conclusions, and presentation of the work with a good quality of English language. If the paper does not fulfill these criteria, it may be rejected at this stage without review. Please read the instructions below carefully for details on the submission of manuscripts, the journal's requirements and standards as well as information concerning the procedure after a manuscript has been accepted for publication in Veterinary World.
Veterinary World adheres to the below ethical guidelines for publication and research. If your manuscript is based on in vivo experiment, then follow the guideline of ARRIVE and amend the manuscript wherever necessary as per guideline. You must have to do it otherwise there may be a chance of reject.
All the authors in a manuscript are responsible for the technical information communicated. For this reason, it is necessary that all authors must read and approve the final version of the manuscript before signing the consent and declaration form. All named authors must have made an active contribution to the conception and design and/or analysis and interpretation of the data and/or the drafting of the paper and All must have critically reviewed its content and have approved the final version submitted for publication. Participation solely in the acquisition of funding or the collection of data does not justify authorship.
Veterinary World adheres to the definition of authorship set up by The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). According to the ICMJE authorship criteria should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design of, or acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data, 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Authors should meet conditions 1, 2 and 3.
It is a requirement that all authors have been accredited as appropriate upon submission of the manuscript. Contributors who do not qualify as authors should be mentioned under Acknowledgements.
Change in authorship:
We do not allow any change in authorship after provisional acceptance. We cannot allow any addition, deletion or change in the sequence of the author name. We have this policy to prevent the fraud.
Under Acknowledgements please specify contributors to the article other than the authors accredited. Please also include specifications of the source of funding for the study and any potential conflict of interests if appropriate. Suppliers of materials should be named and their location (town, state/county, country) included.
Similarity index
We check the plagiarism with the use of iThenticate. To reduce the similarity, please give proper citations and use the words/sentences carefully.
Experimental Subjects: When experimental animals (All live animals considered experimental when using for the study) are used, the methods section must clearly indicate that adequate measures were taken to minimize pain or discomfort. Experiments should be carried out in accordance with the Guidelines laid down by the International Animal Ethics Committee or Institutional ethics committee and in accordance with local laws and regulations. All studies using human or animal subjects should include an explicit statement in the Material and Methods section identifying the review and ethics committee approval for each study, if applicable. Editors reserve the right to reject papers if there is doubt as to whether appropriate procedures have been used.
If all or parts of previously published illustrations are used, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder concerned. It is the author's responsibility to obtain these in writing and provide copies to the Publishers.
Authors submitting a paper do so on the understanding that the work and its essential substance have not been published before and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Certificate also includes permission from other copyright holders if any copyrighted materials used in manuscript. (Download Author Declaration Certificate).
Authors submitting a paper to Veterinary World have to disclose competing interests if any by submission of Competing Interests Disclosure Certificate.
Language: The language of publication is English. Authors for whom English is a second language must have their manuscript professionally edited by an English speaking person before submission to make sure the English is of high quality.
Abbreviations, Symbols, and Nomenclature: All specifications must be stated according to the S.I. system. Concentrations of chemical solutions are to be given in mol/l. All other concentrations should be given in % (volume or weight). Any abbreviations of chemical, biological, medical or other terms should only be employed when it is certain that they are internationally known. The full name must be stated in brackets when the abbreviation is first used.
All biological, medical, chemical or other terms should be used according to the most recent recommendations of the respective international nomenclature. Enzymes should be given in I.U. (International Units), according to Enzyme Nomenclature (Elsevier Publishing Co., 1965). In the case of commercially obtained substances or reagents, when they are first mentioned in the text, the name and address of the manufacturer or supplier should be given as a footnote. Products (preparations etc.) with a registered trademark should be marked with.
Bacterial names should be in accordance with the latest edition of Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore). Viruses are to be given the classification and names recommended by the International Committee on the Nomenclature of Viruses.
Names of micro-organisms and zoological names should be in italics in the manuscript.
Figures/Graphs: The manuscript comprises the text and a list of all figures and tables with their captions and titles in a separate file. We ask that you convey the essential information within the first 60 characters of the captions to accommodate the online edition. Each figure, table, and bibliographic entry must have a reference in the text. All figures/graphs etc. must be in JPG format.
References: Each paper should include bibliographical references. The name of the journal in which the paper cited appears should be listed in the form of the abbreviated title from the cover of the journal concerned, otherwise use the abbreviations contained in a Bibliographic Guide for Editors & Authors from Chemical Abstracts, which is available in all major libraries, or the World List of Scientific Periodicals, 4th ed., London 1963-65, or, or from other authenticated list. Name of the journal must be in Italic letter. Please ensure that references in the text exactly match those in the manuscript's reference list. If editing sections of text please ensure that any references that are affected are amended accordingly in the reference list. Reference to personal communications and unpublished result should be in the text only.
Manuscripts should be submitted Online via the online submission site or click the submit your manuscript link from The use of an online submission and peer review site speeds up the decision-making process, enables immediate distribution, and allows authors to track the status of their own manuscripts. If assistance is needed, Editorial Office can be contacted and will readily provide any help users need to upload their manuscripts. But please refer tutorial for online submission from before contacting the editorial office.
Editorial Office contact person: Dr. Anjum Sherasiya, e-mail:
Online Submission:
To submit a manuscript, please follow the instructions below:
Sender author can track the progress of the submitted manuscript from his/her author account. However, sender author will receive a system generated email each time; at the time of submission, article revision letter, submission of the revised manuscript, provisional acceptance, payment request, acceptance/reject etc.
Sender author will receive an email once reviewers submit the comments to Veterinary World. Editor will check the comments and forward it to the sender author with or without further comments. Sender author has to submit the revised manuscript as per editorial and reviewers comments within 4 weeks. If sender author needs more time then he/she must have to get the approval from the editor. Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision for each manuscript.
For each accepted article:
Category-1: USD 1200 for high income countries.
Category-2: USD 1000 for middle or low income countries.
Category will be determined as per World Bank category.
Minor English language editing will be done by journal copyeditor without any cost to the authors. However, we will ask for external copyediting if manuscript English is not acceptable at the time of provisional acceptance.
Upon provisional acceptance of a paper for publication, corresponding author will receive the email regarding payment of Article processing charge. Charges must be paid within 10 days as per instructions given in the email. Signed acceptance letter will be provided to all author after payment. Acceptance will be final after the payment of publication charge.
Proof corrections: The corresponding author will receive an e-mail containing PDF. A working e-mail address must therefore, be provided for the corresponding author. The proof can be downloaded as a PDF (portable document format).
Proofs must be returned to the Editor within five days of receipt with corrections if any. If there is no correction then corresponding author must have to reply accordingly. We ask that you only correct typesetting errors and grammatical errors if any. Please note that the author is responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made.
Online publication: Online articles are complete and final. They have been fully reviewed, revised and edited for publication, and the authors' final corrections have been incorporated. We do assign DOI to each newly published article. We will send the email to all authors once article will be published.
Publication certificate: We will provide publication certificate to all author with the detail of published article by an email after online publication.