doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2017.623-629
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Article history: Received: 19-01-2017, Accepted: 21-04-2017, Published online: 10-06-2017
Corresponding author: Eleonora Okuskhanova
Citation: Okuskhanova E, Assenova B, Rebezov M, Amirkhanov K, Yessimbekov Z, Smolnikova F, Nurgazezova A, Nurymkhan G, Stuart M (2017) Study of morphology, chemical, and amino acid composition of red deer meat, Veterinary World, 10(6): 623-629.Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate red deer (maral) meat quality based on chemical composition, pH, water-binding capacity (WBC), and amino acid content.
Materials and Methods: Maral meat surface morphology measurements were obtained by scanning electron microscopy. Active acidity (pH) was determined by potentiometry. Samples were analyzed for WBC by exudation of moisture to a filter paper by the application of pressure. Chemical composition (moisture, protein, fat, and ash fractions) was obtained by drying at 150°C and by extraction, using ethylic ether, and ashing at 500-600°C. The amino acid composition was obtained by liquid chromatography.
Results: Maral meat, with a pH of 5.85 and an average moisture content of 76.82%, was found to be low in fat (2.26%). Its protein content was 18.71% while its ash content was 2.21%. The amino acid composition showed that lysine (9.85 g/100 g), threonine (5.38 g/100 g), and valine (5.84 g/100 g) predominated in maral meat, while phenylalanine (4.08 g/100 g), methionine (3.29 g/100 g), and tryptophan (0.94 g/100 g) were relatively low in maral meat compared to other meats. The average WBC was found to be 65.82% and WBC was found to inversely correlate with moisture content.
Conclusion: Low-fat content, high mineral content, and balanced amino-acid composition qualify maral meat as a worthy dietary and functional food.
Keywords: amino acid, composition, maral, red deer meat, quality, water-binding capacity.
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